Most django test client related news are at:

Try out Tsuru: announcing limited preview 12 Apr 2013 | 06:47 am
A few days ago, Tsuru got some attention in the news. After reading about Tsuru, and seeing some of its capabilities, people started asking for a way to try Tsuru. Well, your claims were attended! We'...
Using Juju to orchestrate CentOS-based cloud services 29 Jul 2012 | 06:55 am
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to meet Kyle MacDonald, head of Ubuntu Cloud, during FISL, and he was surprised when we told him we are using Juju with CentOS at Then I decided to w...
More django test client related news:
Nouvelles Frontieres 28 Aug 2011 | 08:46 pm
Nouvelles Frontieres est un Lauréat de l’Élection du Service Client de l’Année 2011 – Tests “client mystère” par Inference Operations, groupe BVA - Categorie Agence de Voyages en ligne
Initialize Django Tests 1 Oct 2009 | 07:58 am
I use a lot of doctests for apps that all need to work on a set of initialized data. I was hoping that there would be some kind of hook in Django for this but there is not. I could switch all of the...
BitChat: First screenshot of the concept at work! 17 Jun 2012 | 07:26 pm
I had posted, quite a long back, about BitChat, a p2p instant messaging concept using bit torrent trackers. BitChat test client by Pratik Patil There was lot of time issues which lead to delays. But...
Testing: clients will pay now or pay later 8 Apr 2012 | 11:46 pm
A former freelancer sends a message to a programming email list, explaining his full time job doesn’t give him enough time to update his former client’s website. And it’s on an obsolete and soon-to-be...
Job: Senior QA with T-SQL Scripting 26 Aug 2012 | 10:54 pm
Mid-senior level QA Analyst. Ideal candidate should be able to help build a test framework from the ground up. Candidate must have tested client - server software products in an Agile/Iterative enviro...
Prefer WebTest to Django's test client for functional tests 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Since watching Carl Meyer's superb 'Testing and Django' talk, I've been using Ian Bicking's WebTest library for functional tests, via django-webtest. I've been really impressed and I'd like to stress ...
DOTA 2 Update: Timbersaw, The Goblin Shredder 13 Dec 2012 | 08:26 am
A new hero was released in DotA 2 Test Client: Timbersaw (the Goblin Shredder in DOTA). Patch notes - Added Timbersaw! GAMEPLAY - Ancient Apparition: Fixed status effect ignoring magic immune units (H...
Another scoop of Django testing 20 Feb 2013 | 12:37 am
Two scoops of Django is a good book, and I recommend it to anyone who's working with Django. So when I finally got around to using travis-ci I turned to the packaging and testing chapters, but couldn'...
CocosNewsCenter To-Do List 20 May 2013 | 07:28 pm
. client – browser support – to test && fix . client – persona auto-login problem – to fix . client – XMLHttpRequest asynchronous mode – coding, test . client – finish up account info scene – design, ...