Most django wordpres related news are at:

Announcing Partnership with Karl Mecklenburg’s REACH Foundation 10 Apr 2013 | 06:57 am
About a year ago, I was teaching a WordPress class, and imagine my shock when I arrived and in the front row was one Karl Mecklenburg, former All-Pro Denver Broncos linebacker and one of my childhood ...
WordPress 3.5 “Elvin” now available 12 Dec 2012 | 05:00 am
WordPress released version 3.5 today — be sure to backup your site then upgrade! Mad Lab offers WordPress maintenance packages that include backups and upgrades, so be sure to give us a call if you’re...
More django wordpres related news:
Ya salió WordPress 2.9, Feliz Navidad!! 29 Dec 2009 | 01:32 am
Para quienes estamos día a día en contacto con WordPress no podemos dejar de pensar en esto como un regalo de Navidad. Está disponible para descargar WordPress 2.9. Pueden ver todo lo nuevo de WordPr...
WordPress SEO: Only Display RSS Titles In Sidebar 4 Mar 2012 | 02:55 am
Posted on One Tip A Day - What Will You Learn Today? One basic SEO tip is to increase the density of your keywords on your pages, so I was surprised to find that the default behaviour of the WordPres...
How to setup Django and MySQL-python on Mac OS X Lion 24 Jan 2012 | 02:16 am
Django is an excellent web-framework written in Python. Here is a quick setup guide for installing Django and MySQL-python on Mac OS X Lion. Setup Django - Download latest Django here - At this po...
推荐工作机会 21 Aug 2011 | 08:44 pm
快玩Python开发工程师 招Python开发多名 a) 基础要求 接触Python一年以上 熟悉Tornado、Django、Pylons、Flask等常用Python开发框架 了解或使用过Zope,Django,Quxiote等框架 熟悉MySQLdb,paramiko,threading等模块 b) 符合以下几类中某些者优先 精通MySQL、PostgreSQL、Oracle...
Django i shortcodes 6 Feb 2012 | 12:21 pm
Kilka miesięcy temu pytałem #django-wców na blipie o możliwość wstawiania do treści słów kluczowych, które później byłyby zamieniane na różne dziwne rzeczy. Nikt mi wtedy nie odpowiedział, więc pewnie...
Django: usuwanie cache'u generowanego przez szablon 26 Mar 2011 | 09:58 am
Sytuacja jest następująca: 1989 rok, Kijów. Piękna ukraińska jesień. Czterech urodzonych morderców, uzbrojonych po zęby, a ja sam, jeden, z moim wiernym kałachem... mamy jakiś kawałek szablonu, któreg...
Plugin wp-thumbie para WordPress modificado y mejorado (actualizado 2011) 24 Mar 2010 | 08:03 pm
Buscando en internet algunos plugin para Wordpres respecto a articulos relacionados o mostrar articulos relacionados a una determinada noticia, decidi bajar este archivito y probarlo y ver si funciona...
Scheduled Post Shift Plugin for WordPress 8 Jul 2009 | 11:20 am
This plugin automatically takes your oldest post, and updates its timestamp so that it appears as the latest post on your WordPress site. It does this by utilizing the cron feature built into WordPres...
GD Products Center Pro 29 Feb 2012 | 07:57 am
New Dev4Press plugin GD Products Center Pro is now available. This is plugin for management and comparison of products in one or more product types with wide range of settings and tools, close WordPre...
Turning your shared WordPress, Blogger or Blogspot blog into a full website 3 May 2012 | 06:06 am
Image: Idea go / Congratulations to you if you have a personal blog! It is understandable that you have decided to start small by registering with a free service such as WordPre...