Most dlc ps3 related news are at:

Dudas sobre juego. 27 Aug 2013 | 08:50 am
Mi gran duda es,siempre he sido fiel al Call of duty,ahora con ganas de que salga Cod Ghosts.Pero he visto el trailer de Battlefield 4 y la verdad que me ha entrado un gran dilema :( .Que me aconsejai...
noticias frescas sobre los futuros dlcs 27 Aug 2013 | 05:59 am
pos eso que os dejo el enlace de la noticia que acavo de ver hace apenas unos minutos sobre cosas interesantes de los futuros dlcs de principios del mes que viene:
More dlc ps3 related news:
Gears of War Ultimate Edition – Both Games & DLC for $30? 3 Jan 2011 | 05:19 am
According to a (removed) listing on GameStop’s website, Gears of War Ultimate will be hitting shelves come February, and it’s rumoured it will contain both of the esteemed games, alongside a complete ...
01.04.2011 1 Apr 2011 | 11:00 am
Full games: - Dragon Age 2 - Doctor Who Adventures Episodes 1-4 - Hegemony Gold Wars Of Ancient Greece - Starpoint Gemini - Cities in Motion - Serious Sam HD The Second Encounter (with Fusion dlc) - B...
The PS3 Firmware 3.55 & Higher Jailbreak We Have All Been Waiting For 1 Dec 2011 | 01:46 am
Thats right it is finally here, the True Blue Dongle JB2 is currently available for purchase and is on its way to our logistics and should be ready for shipment in time for Christmas! What does this ...
Sjajni JRPG Tales of Graces izlazi u Europi za PS3 12 May 2011 | 10:54 pm
Tales fanovima na zapadu gamerski život nikako nije bio lagan. Velik broj igara iz te franšize nikad nije ugledao svijetlo van Japana, a nekako su se uvijek baš te činile najzanimljivijima. Izgleda…
COD 7 Black Ops Shangri La Invisible Zombie Barrier Glitch 9 Jul 2011 | 03:46 am
This is a new glitch on the Annihilation map pack on Shangri La, watch the Invisible Zombie Barrier Glitch Random PostsCall Of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2 Glitches PS3 Xbox 360: Shotgun Jump to a Secret B...
Playstation 2 6 Oct 2011 | 09:06 am
English: The Playstation 2 is made by Sony and was one of the most popular gaming systems before all the major gaming companies unveiled their latest models such as the PS3 and Xbox 360. The Playstat...
NEW DLC FOR WW 12 Feb 2009 | 03:30 pm
Maybe you allready heard. Coming in a few weeks, on MARCH '09 3 new multiplayer maps are gonna come out for World At War. Also 1 new map for Nazi Zombies. MORE INFO HERE!!!
Use PS3 Controller with Android Phones with Sixaxis Controller 12 Aug 2011 | 11:02 pm
PlayStation 3 controllers (Sixaxis and DualShock 3) can now be used on Android phone to play games or just navigate through the phone! Sixaxis Controller is a paid Android app for rooted phones that ...
My little pony fluttershy_2 2 Feb 2012 | 05:38 am
i converted a ps3 fluttershy theme created by Zombiepony to make it work with the psp. This took many hours of work. Enjoy
Original R4i:R4DS:R4i SDHC:Acekard 2i:DS Two:M3i Zero:DS Accessories 26 Aug 2010 | 07:42 am Free Shipping R4DSi, R4i SDHC, R4i Gold, Acekard 2i, DSTTi, Wii Accessory, Xbox Accessory, PS3 Accessory, DSi Accessory, DS Lite Accessory, iPad 1 Vote(s)