Most does google like blogs related news are at:

Is this One Of The Best Door-To-Door Salesman Ever!? 13 Nov 2011 | 06:45 pm
Thanks to a good share in my facebook news feed I just watch this video and it was pretty hysterical! This kid was selling one of those “Wonder Cleaning” All in one products, and totally owned it. ...
7 Reasons why you’re not making sales 23 Jun 2011 | 03:25 pm
If you're an Entrepreneur, then odds are you have to be closing sales in order to keep your business running forward. If you're a rookie when it comes to sales, or just looking to refresh your already...
More does google like blogs related news:
A new Objective-C library for a new generation of APIs 1 Sep 2011 | 07:45 am
Greg Tom By Greg Robbins and Tom Van Lenten, Software Engineers Cross-posted with the Google Code Blog Four years ago, we introduced an Objective-C library for Google Data APIs. At first, it suppo...
Guice² 20 May 2009 | 02:21 pm
After two years in the making, it's official. We've released Guice 2! Here's Jesse's announcement from the Google Code Blog: Two years ago, Bob Lee and Kevin Bourrillion open sourced Google Guice 1.0...
Call credits for military families this holiday season 4 Dec 2010 | 03:00 am
(Cross-posted from the Google Voice blog) Keeping in touch with family during the holiday season can be challenging for anyone, but it’s especially difficult for military families with loved ones ser...
Google + : The Advantage. 13 Dec 2011 | 11:36 pm
Is Google’s new social media network, Google+, likely to become a threat to Facebook? After taking a look at the system, I have to say: potentially, but not yet. Google+ seriously improves on Facebook...
6 Useful Free ebooks For Blogger 14 Feb 2011 | 10:03 pm
We all know e-Books are a great source of gaining knowledge. With some topics, like blogging, you’ll find more useful e-books than regular books. Here are the free e-books, a great list, very helpful...
Wow 2012! 4 Jan 2012 | 06:09 am
It is hard to believe it is 2012! With the new year comes new resolutions . . . mine is to start working on "MY" life and doing more of the things "I" love, like blogging :) This past year has been...
Google News Blog: Add Google News to Your Site 2 May 2012 | 12:18 pm
Google News Blog: Add Google News to Your Site
List of 400,000 Google Scraped Blogs Free 1 Apr 2012 | 11:05 pm
The Reader gadget 10 Jun 2009 | 05:38 am
Google Reader has finally come to Google Desktop, as announced on the Google Reader blog. This gadget is a convenient way to check your subscriptions and fits right in with the Gmail, Calendar, and Do...
Get free songs on the Google Music blog 13 May 2012 | 08:39 am
Google has put an awesome package together around its online music service. This isn’t just online music, this is Google online music! What comes with it is a huge selection of songs and artists of ...