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More dog guilty grin related news:
Guilty Pleasures 29 Dec 2010 | 12:38 am
Well, I am bored. And what else can I do to cure it besides a little Blogging? :D As you've read the title, I am going to blog about 5 of my guilty pleasures. *grins* Note that it will not be in order...
Happy to Run the OctobeRun! 12 Oct 2011 | 04:53 am
Yup! This is one run that I truly enjoyed. Nope, I didn't break PR. Nope, I didn't win in my age category. But why am I grinning? The night before the race, it was raining cats and dogs. I told ...
Disabling Skype Home Window 4 Sep 2011 | 02:35 pm
Skype is a dog’s dinner of an app and has been for a while, and I feel slightly guilty I may have contributed to the rot when I suggested that Skype was a social network, not a telephone service. But...
What Really Prompts The Dog’s ‘Guilty Look’ 15 Jun 2009 | 03:45 am
What dog owner has not come home to a broken vase or other valuable items and a guilty-looking dog slouching around the house? By ingeniously setting up conditions where the owner was misinformed as t...
It's a dogs life 17 Jun 2011 | 04:52 am
Hi all I have been so busy of late with home life I have not had much time to craft or blog. I feel a bit guilty for leaving this blog to go to the Dogs. Talking of Dogs our puppy is now just over 1 ...
Guilty Cat 5 Apr 2011 | 08:15 am
First there was the guilty dog and now this. And it hurts them when you say that they just don't care.
Plastic Dog Beds 6 Dec 2010 | 08:05 pm
With dogs and especially new puppies, the inevitable usually happens- something gets broken or chewed and then those guilty eyes make you forget about it instantly. The simple solution is to either mo...
Rita’s Bar & Dining – guilty junk dude food 10 Oct 2012 | 06:22 pm
Do you call it dude food or man food? Junk food, or just lunch? I’m talking about the hot dogs and tacos that are clogging the city’s arteries and crammed into every lifestyle supplement at the moment...
Fic: Give the dog a bone - Frank/Gerard 17 Oct 2012 | 09:14 pm
Give the dog a bone My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way/Frank Iero. NC-17. ~6200 words. Puppyplay. Gerard arfs in agreement before he grins up at Frank. "Pet me, motherfucker, I'm a good dog." * Give th...
Dogs Are a Lifetime Commitment 8 Nov 2012 | 05:00 am
You want a new puppy and you're feeling a bit guilty about shopping for one that has features you like. After all, it is a living creature, not a new car. Isn't it wrong to ask whether this puppy mode...