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Review: “Dogs and Demons: The Fall of Modern Japan” by Alex Kerr 30 Apr 2008 | 01:24 am
There are two well-established traditions when writing about Japan: uncritical praise, and now far more commonly, passionate criticism. I like to think of myself as in the latter category: I love Japa...
Hot Dog Mac And Cheese, And A Partial Letter To My Unborn Demon Spawn 28 Feb 2012 | 01:41 am
Mac and Cheese is the friend who is always there. She can be dressed up with truffles and seven cheeses, or she can just look fine in sweatpants and an over sized t-shirt by coming out of the box, and...
Bali – Island of Dogs 4 Jul 2011 | 08:20 pm
New Documentary by Lawrence Blair and Dean Allan Tolhurst Explores the Demonic Side of Balinese Life from the Perspective of Bali’s Canine Population. Two Bali-based filmmakers, Lawrence Blair and De...
Dog Training Tutorial: Off-Leash Exercise (Send-Off) 11 Aug 2013 | 08:09 pm
A big part of teaching a dog to be reliable off the leash is about engaging them in a variety of games and exercises around distractions. Today’s video demon… dog training for cash detection. This is...
Demonic Sphinx 16 Aug 2013 | 08:39 pm
Hey everyone! Finally had some freetime to work on a privat speedpainting and invest some more time into it. Tried to redesign the sphinx into a demonic creature-dog-thing. More stuff can be found...