Most dojo related news are at:

Friday, September 13 @ 11:45AM: @SVFounders - Finding your team 27 Aug 2013 | 04:01 am
Round table group discussion on how do you find team members who are passionate enough to make your startup successful. We will discuss tips on how to find co-founders and what issues to watch out fo...
Friday, September 27 @ 11:45AM: 3D Printing show and tell - Discuss future of 3D printing 27 Aug 2013 | 03:45 am
Paul Spaan will be leading a round table discussion on 3D printing. He will also bring couple of 3D printers and samples.
More dojo related news:
jQuery UI Checkbox/Radio Buttons 24 Jun 2011 | 03:11 pm
Recently I’ve had the good fortune to getting back into using jQuery and jQuery UI on a new and exciting project after a year and a half of using DOJO and MooTools – both are very good languages in th...
Dojo With Mojo – The Day Our Pet Dojo Took A Walk On The Wild Side 26 Jul 2011 | 05:50 am
Summary: No matter how bizarre and unlikely, you should take your child seriously when they insist the “impossible” is possible. This story happens during our very recent and very long wet spring. In ...
Welcome to 30 Dec 2008 | 04:30 pm
Welcome to "YOSHUKAN" DOJO - Branch of Greece Shito Ryu Karate Do maintains the most intimate connection with traditional Karate, since it preserves the elements of the two dominant Okinawan schools,...
Internet Explorer limits nested @import CSS statements 28 May 2011 | 07:15 pm
I have been lately working on a collection of home-made widgets based on Dojo. This architecture has been designed to reuse elements and so there are widgets inside widgets, the code is arranged and s...
Workaround to dynamically load CSS resources 11 Apr 2011 | 01:41 am
I have been struggling for a while to find a way to dynamically load CSS resources in a coherent and reliable manner. As I am working with dojo on my current project, I started with using its event co...
Karate Kaputs 26 Feb 2007 | 06:24 pm
So, from what I gather after 12-aught years of devotion and loyalty to an instructor and dojo I hear the doors are closing via the grape-vine. I guess that just goes to show how much respect I was gi...
Mental Memory Muscles 27 Apr 2012 | 03:56 am
Whenever I was fervently training at the Karate Dojo, every workout included time spent repeating separate techniques over and over and over and . . . well you get the idea. We would stand in a circle...
IBM 开源 HTML5 可视化设计工具 Maqetta 下载 22 Dec 2011 | 03:32 pm
Maqetta 是一个开源项目,为 HTML5 项目的创作提供所见即所得的可视化用户界面。Maqetta 应用程序本身用 HTML 撰写,在浏览器中即可运行,无需额外插件也无需下载。 Maqetta 概要 Maqetta 是 Dojo 基金会为云端(台式机或移动设备)所提供的 HTML5 开源可视化开发工具。Maqetta 允许用户体验设计师(UXD)在用户界面模拟机中通过拖拽进行操作。 M...
The SleepHack Dojo – Sleep Like DaVinci and Be Twice as Productive 2 Jan 2012 | 04:48 am
First of all I want to make it clear that I’m just a regular guy, no super powers. But for the last year I’ve been extending my days up to 21 hours by sleeping no more than 3 hours per night….. and th...
jQuery vs Dojo vs YUI 2 Mar 2012 | 06:09 pm
The 3 major high quality JavaScript Libraries are jQuery,Dojo and YUI. Let us first see what the salient features of the 3 are before we can compare and find out which one is better to work with. jQue...