Most dortmund 2011 chess related news are at:

Yours Truly, on DVD 27 Aug 2013 | 12:39 am
In addition to blogging and giving lessons (please contact me if you're interested!) I also record videos for The topics have often been diverse, but I did a series on the world cham...
2013 World Cup: Round 6, Day 1: Two Short Draws 27 Aug 2013 | 12:23 am
The semi-finals of the World Cup are underway, but despite the fans' high hopes the games were fast and they were short, both drawn in fewer than 20 minutes and in less than 80 minutes. They had a som...
More dortmund 2011 chess related news:
Chess at SEA Games 13 Oct 2011 | 02:49 pm
11 October 2011, Kuala Lumpur – Latest News Chess: In the upcoming SEA Games to be held in Palembang, Indonesia from 10th – 22nd November 2011, chess will have 9 gold medals at stake. Malaysia will be...
Job Messe Dortmund 2011 | Alles zu Beruf Studium Karriere und Bewerbung 7 May 2011 | 02:03 am
Die Job Messe Dortmund öffnet mal wieder ihre Pforten und bieten rund um das Thema Ausbildung, Beruf oder Karriere zahlreiche interessante Informationen. Das Angebot ist breit gefächert und ein Besuch...
Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting LIVE 27 Jul 2013 | 04:00 am
Dortmund Chess 2013 will be held from July 26th to August 4th as a single round robin with 10 participants. Live games with analysis will be daily on The field will be led by ten-times ...
Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting - Round 3 29 Jul 2013 | 04:34 am
Michael Adams defeated Fabiano Caruana to move into the sole lead in Dortmund tournament with 2,5/3 points.The other four games of the round were drawn.The second win in a row put Adams ahead of the r...
Ist Menowin auf der Flucht? Gestern war Haftantritt ohne ihn! 17 Feb 2011 | 02:54 am
Update 17.2.2011 Menowin Fröhlich ist nun in Haft. Er wurde am Mittwoch (16.2.) in Dortmund aufgegriffen. Menowin Fröhlich sollte gestern seine Haftstrafe antreten. Noch 313 Tage Reststrafe stehen a...
Impressions édition 2011-12 1 May 2012 | 03:20 am
Alors vos impressions sur cette édition 2011-12 avec des surprises comme l'Apoel Nicosie, le FC Bâle et les déceptions Manchester United, Porto et Dortmund pour ne citer qu'eux. Et cette élimination,...
Strahlenwaffen 1, Technische Möglichkeit im Jahre 2011/ Hannelore Kraft, Mikrowellenterror, Staatsschutz,Dr. med. Bernd Roggenwallner, Polizei Dortmu... 11 Jul 2011 | 10:41 pm
Wenn von Angriffen mit Strahlenwaffen die Rede ist, denken viele noch an Science-Fiction, an ersponnene Kämpfe außerirdischer Weltall-Bewohner. Dem stehen allerdings Aussagen wie die folgende klar en...
FIFA 12 Real Gameplay 20 Aug 2011 | 06:54 am
The first FIFA 12 gameplay footage is a fact. Check out below for the first video with actually gameplay between Dortmund vs Arsenal. Recorded on Gamescom 2011. What’s your opinion? Does the gameplay ...
2011 Nike Air Max buy at cheap price with good quality 30 May 2012 | 07:29 pm
India and Vietnam moved chess South China Sea, a positive reaction to Vietnam, Hong Kong permanently in Vietnam invitation, and promised a large export of ships to Vietnam to build rockets and militar...