Most dos pueblos high school related news are at:
Graduation 2012 DVD Now Available 31 Jul 2012 | 12:02 am
2012 graduation DVD’s are available for purchase in the business beginning this Friday, August 3rd. If you previously purchased a copy of the DVD, you can pick it up from the business office. DVD’s o...
Office Closed for Summer Cleaning 28 Jul 2012 | 07:52 am
The administration building will be closed for summer cleaning from Monday, July 30 through Wednesday, August 1st. It is scheduled to re-open at 8 am on Thursday, August 2nd. Thank you for understandi...
More dos pueblos high school related news:
DPHS Course Registration 2013 6 Mar 2012 | 06:22 pm
March 5, 2012 Dos Pueblos High School begins its course registrations for 2013 this week and students begin completing their forms. Here is a handy video explaining how to fill them out. DPHS Cours...
Tucson Sentinel provides detailed account of Pueblo grading policy 4 Aug 2012 | 09:52 pm
Please see here for a very complete account of the grading policy story at Pueblo High School. Board member Dr. Mark Stegeman (UA economics professor) appears to have come to similar conclusions as my...
G.O.P. Strategy for Hispanic Voters: It’s the Economy 17 Mar 2012 | 06:10 am
PUEBLO, Colo. — For many years, and multiple election cycles, Republicans talked about the growing Hispanic vote in America like moonstruck, misunderstood boys at a high school dance. They could not c...
Yearbook Program – 1 in 30 chance for $125,000 7 Dec 2011 | 10:22 pm
The Image, Dos Pueblos’ award winning yearbook is one of 30 schools competing in a contest worth over $125,000 for the school. DP’s program has earned national recognition by winning Gold Award ratin...
As saias da Baby V 4 Jun 2012 | 10:54 pm
Vanessa Hudgens é uma das famosas que eu mais acho bonita. Acompanhei a mudança dela desde a poca do High School Musical quando ela era magrinha, cabelo liso e um estilo "normal". Com os passar dos an...
High School Debut (高校デビュー) 23 Dec 2012 | 09:01 pm
Já fazia muito tempo que eu não assistia um filme japonês e quando vi minha irmã assistindo um, resolvi sentar e ver se valia a pena. Bom foi saber que não me arrependi nenhum minuto, apesar dos c...
Capps Marvels at the Ingenuity of Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy 5 May 2013 | 10:01 am
photo courtesy of Noozhawk photo courtesy of Noozhawk congresswoman_dpea Congresswoman gets a firsthand look at the inner workings of the school as part of her tour of STEM programs in Santa Barbara...
En el Sexy Mafia High School~ 24 Oct 2012 | 07:21 pm
Hola a todos! Sólo quedan 10 días para que empiecen las clases en el Sexy Mafia High School~ Nuestros alumnos ya llevan estudiando dos años allí, sin embargo, para los nuevos estudiantes, su aspecto ...
Episódios da 3 temporada de 90210 (2011) 20 Jan 2013 | 04:37 pm
Confira o nome de todos os episódios da nova temporada de 90210. A série olha a vida através dos olhos de Annie Wilson e seu irmão Dixon, cujo primeiro dia em West Beverly Hills High School não deixa ...
Trio of DP alums are water polo world champions 26 Aug 2013 | 02:07 am
Kiley Neushul, Tiera Schroeder and Kodi Hill have won water polo titles at the club, high school and collegiate levels. Now they can add a world championship to their resumés. The trio of Dos Pueblos....