Most dose of digital blog related news are at:

For Pharma, All Of This Has Happened Before 18 Jul 2013 | 05:43 pm
As someone who grew up with the internet and made it my career I can tell you, the era we’re in right now looks and smells oddly familiar. How? Well ‘back in my day’ the Internet was just a thing. Con...
Youngest Person to Receive a Bioengineered Organ Dies 9 Jul 2013 | 06:28 pm
Writing for The Verge, Katie Drummond details the heartbreaking story of Hannah Warren, who was the youngest patient to receive a bioengineered transplant. In an announcement posted online Monday, th...
More dose of digital blog related news:
Bitte um Fairness 14 Dec 2010 | 11:36 pm
Ein Mal im Monat fertige ich für das UdL Digital Blog die Charts der twitternden Politiker an. Inspiriert wurde ich dazu von einer Erhebung von Landau Media. Die Reaktionen, seitdem wir die Auflistung... Quoted In Wall Street Journal’s All Things Digital Blog 22 Mar 2010 | 01:37 pm
China’s iPhone market is a hot topic! With China Unicom and China Mobile battling it out for supremacy of the ultimate smartphone. We did an extensive interview with’s senior analyst Da...
Indicadores de discurso 29 Aug 2009 | 03:22 pm
Muchas veces por estar enganchada a la computadora, leo sólo bibliografía digital, blogs, periódicos, artículos, etc.; y he dejado de lado mis libros que por falta de uso, estan empolvados, arrumados ...
Elisabeth Bell's April Digi Blog Hop!! 16 Apr 2011 | 04:00 pm
Welcome to the our April digital blog hop!! If you have arrived here from Janiel's Blog you are in the correct place. Otherwise please start at the beginning from the DigiBell Blog. Here is the brand...
Rápido, abierto e inteligente: Por qué Firefox OS cambia las reglas del juego 4 Jul 2012 | 04:04 pm
Autor: Carlos Domingo, Director de Desarrollo de Productos e Innovación de Telefónica Digital Posteado originalmente en Telefonica Digital blog El lanzamiento de Mozilla’s Firefox OS es otro gran p...
Bookmarks for April 29th through June 12th 1 Aug 2012 | 12:00 pm
These are my links for April 29th through June 12th: Digital Blog » Führungskräfte entdecken soziale Netzwerke – Offenbar konzentrieren sich Manager gern auf eine einzige soziale Plattform: In allen d...
Rápido, abierto e inteligente: Por qué Firefox OS cambia las reglas del juego 4 Jul 2012 | 01:04 pm
Autor: Carlos Domingo, Director de Desarrollo de Productos e Innovación de Telefónica Digital Posteado originalmente en Telefonica Digital blog El lanzamiento de Mozilla’s Firefox OS es otro gran pas...
Follow us on Google+! 23 Jan 2013 | 12:42 am
We're putting our Blogs of Note blog in archive mode now, so for the latest updates from the Blogger team please follow us on Google+ (which of course include a dose of notable blogs!)
WordPress for Business Q&A with Toby Drysdale 11 Apr 2013 | 04:13 pm
Today, we are proudly joined on the Smartdog digital blog by a very smart man who deals with WordPress themes and development on a daily basis, Toby Drysdale, who is the Chief Technical Officer at Gim...
Srikandi Blogger 2013 = Cetak Emak melek Digital 17 Apr 2013 | 10:05 pm
Blog bagiku udah menjadi Passsion, entahlah bertahun-tahun mulai ngeblog dari tahun 2005 mencari tau, dan sampai akhirnya punya postingan awal tahun 2006 , semua berasa mimpi, nggak nyangka dari blog ...