Most double load gold funds related news are at:
– Meltdown 2011 | For decades the Shadow Powers have been planning a worldwide economic, military and societal meltdown of epic proportions. The plan is in effect NOW and it culminates in 2011.
What’s Coming Shortly Is Bad, But… 22 Oct 2009 | 06:16 pm
Sure, you’ve got some things lining up for the second phase of the Meltdown. For your consideration: 1) FDIC has run out of money so they’ve stopped closing banks they’d otherwise have to bail out. O...
Oct 2009 19 Sep 2009 | 03:21 am
Disturbing Developments: Are We On The Brink? Events in the last two weeks, seldom reported here in the US, are pointing to a lot of behind-the-scenes manuevering. It’s almost like the lackeys of the...
More double load gold funds related news:
Gold: Flow Of Japanese funds is a supportive factor. / Techniques positive 9 Jan 2013 | 06:36 am
According to the current expectations based on the opinions of a group of experts, the Japanese pension funds which ranked second in the world after the U.S. funds on the verge of doubling its holding...