Most downgrade debian package related news are at:

More downgrade debian package related news:
Gimphoto 1.4.3 for Linux 64 bit - Debian Package 30 Dec 2010 | 04:42 pm
Many Gimphoto users for Linux asking about 64 bit version, but because i still don't have 64 bit system so there is no 64 bit package yet.For temporary solution we can use and install 32 bit package u...
How to interpret the output of dpkg --list 30 Oct 2011 | 04:04 pm
Categories: Ubuntu dpkg To find out the status of a package (Nginx): The Debian package manager (dpkg) will print out: The first i means the desired state of the package - install. The second i m...
Building debian packages for mozilla's sync server 15 Jan 2012 | 10:29 pm
I'm surprised this seems to have gotten valid debian packages with a minimum of fuss for a package where I couldn't find a recommended release archive. Upstream is in mercurial at http://hg.mozilla.o...
Quimup 1.2.0 14 Dec 2010 | 09:27 pm
Quimup 1.2.0 takes advantage of MPD 0.16 specific features and can be downloaded from sourceforce (source code, i386 or amd64 Debian package). MPD 0.16 was released Dec 11 2010 and can be downloaded ...
New decency website 12 May 2011 | 08:06 pm
The new decency website is online: Decency is also on github: here. Currently i am building the debian packages, writing the howtos for installation and initial configuration...
New decency website 12 May 2011 | 08:06 pm
The new decency website is online: Decency is also on github: here. Currently i am building the debian packages, writing the howtos for installation and initial configuration...
How To Downgrade RPM Package Using YUM 1 Apr 2012 | 11:42 pm
In this howto I will describe how to Downgrade a RPM Package Using YUM. Yum came with a plugin named yum-allowdowngrade which allow you to downgrade any existing install RPM to older version. This req...
Compiling the Second Life Viewer source code on Ubuntu Edgy – 2 14 Jan 2007 | 02:15 am
my system specs – hardware and software i use. if you need info about the debian packages installed on my Ubuntu Edgy system, see precedent post or leave a comment. unpacked (grabbed from here. see ...
Chandler Desktop released (Ubuntu Jaunty only) 31 Jul 2009 | 11:28 am
As noted by commenters on this blog, the Debian packages available for Chandler 1.0.3 don’t work on the newest Ubuntu release (9.04, a.k.a. Jaunty Jackalope). I fixed the problem in Chandler trunk a w...
Metalink News : 21 Jul 2008 22 Jul 2008 | 12:19 am
Podcast: Daniel Stenberg of the cURL project interview GGet, a Modern Download Manager for GNOME, part of Google Summer of Code MirrorBrain presentation Retriever 1.3 released Debian Package of the Da...