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Redsn0w, en breve podremos ya hacer el downgrade al iPhone 4s, iPad 2 e iPad 3 en IOS 5x 10 May 2012 | 06:17 am
Tal y como anunciaba Musclenerd por Twitter, pronto podremos realizar el downgrade a nuestros iPad 2, iPad 3 e iPhone 4s con el nuevo Redsn0w,os mantendremos informados.
Downgrade iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iPad 3 Using the Latest Redns0w 12 May 2012 | 10:05 pm
Finally the iPhone-Dev Team has released the latest redsnow to downgrade the iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and the new iPad to a lower version, to enjoy jailbreaking. Here are some notes to be considered: You c...
iPhone Dev-Team Updates RedSn0w to Enable Downgrade of the iPhone 4S, iPad 2/3 12 May 2012 | 03:30 am
The iPhone Dev-Team has released a new version of RedSn0w that can downgrade the iPhone 4S and iPad 2/3 for those with saved SHSH blobs. Starting with redsn0w version 0.9.11b1, those with newer devic...
Baseband-Downgrade auf iPhone 3G/3GS mit iPad-BB 06.15 nun möglich 18 Jun 2012 | 06:13 pm
Wer ein iPhone 3G und iPhone 3GS mit gehacktem iPad-Baseband 06.15.00 hat, kann nun endlich downgraden: mit einer neuen redsn0w-Version kann dieses Baseband wieder entfernt und ein älteres Baseband au...
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS, 3G Baseband for Unlock on a Mac 18 Jun 2012 | 11:51 pm
This guide will show you how to downgrade your iPhone 3GS or iPhone 3G’s baseband from the iPad’s 06.15 baseband to 05.13.04 using RedSn0w for Mac.You should have the 06.15 baseband if you unlock with...
iPhone Dev-Team Baseband Downgrade for iPhone 3GS, 3G 18 Jun 2012 | 11:20 pm
The iPhone Dev-Team has release a baseband downgrade from the iPad’s 06.15 baseband on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. Typically you’d have the 06.15 baseband if you unlock with ultrasn0w but updated yo...
iPhone Dev-Team Updates RedSn0w to Enable Downgrade of the iPhone 4S, iPad 2/3 11 May 2012 | 11:36 pm
The iPhone Dev-Team has released a new version of RedSn0w that can downgrade the iPhone 4S and iPad 2/3 for those with saved SHSH blobs. Starting with redsn0w version 0.9.11b1, those with newer devic...
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3GS, 3G Baseband for Unlock on a Mac 18 Jun 2012 | 11:51 pm
This guide will show you how to downgrade your iPhone 3GS or iPhone 3G’s baseband from the iPad’s 06.15 baseband to 05.13.04 using RedSn0w for Mac.You should have the 06.15 baseband if you unlock with...
iPhone Dev-Team Baseband Downgrade for iPhone 3GS, 3G 18 Jun 2012 | 11:20 pm
The iPhone Dev-Team has release a baseband downgrade from the iPad’s 06.15 baseband on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. Typically you’d have the 06.15 baseband if you unlock with ultrasn0w but updated yo...
Downgrade iOS 4 28 Oct 2012 | 10:29 pm
Downgrade iPhone 3G & 3GS From iOS 4 To 3.1.2 – 3.1.3 Users who want to downgrade their iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS devices after accidentally upgrading to iOS 4 will find this guide useful, thanks to co...