Most downgrade to ie8 related news are at:

I love Lego more than ever! 13 Mar 2013 | 06:09 am
Wow it has been months since my last post on my blog, I have been extremely busy with work and other activities. But what happened today convinced me to log back in and make this post. Deep down, I pr...
Cuil – New search engine to challenge Google 18 Jan 2013 | 05:41 am
A new search engine called Cuil was launched today (July 28th). It is developed and run by the husband-and-wife team of Stanford professor Tom Costello and former Google search architect Anna Patterso...
More downgrade to ie8 related news:
Black Dark Edition 2012 TR CD ve DVD Sürümler 20 Jan 2012 | 12:53 pm
Tam Güncel:MSDN SP3+Ocak 2012 güncellemeleri,IE8 direk entegrasyon,DX9(Haziran 2010) ve WMP11 ile tam güncel bir XP’dir.HFSLIP son sürüm kullanılarak yapıldığı tarih (14 Ocak 2012) itibariyle ‘önemli’...
Poor is the new standard 30 Aug 2011 | 12:53 pm
A review of the downgrade, 24 days later The world is changing. The once mighty and unilateral superpower of the world is crumbling. The US credit rating was downgraded last Friday, from a perfect ...
Quadro comparativo de browsers 2 Sep 2009 | 02:14 am
Já faz um tempo que a Microsoft lançou uma tabela de comparação de browsers, FireFox 3.0 e Chrome 2.0, na comparação o IE8 batia os concorrentes mais populares. Abaixo segue a tradução que fiz de uma...
ïðîãðàììà êó 6 Dec 2011 | 05:22 am
Ñìåõ âûêàçûâàåò á ëüøóþ ÷óâñòâåííîñòü. Ïî èìåþùåéñÿ èíôîðìàöèè, â ñîñòàâ IE8 áóäóò âêëþ÷åíû ïàòåíòóåìûå òåõíîëîãèè Cleartracks è Inprivate, êîòîðûå áóäóò îòâå÷àòü çà óíè÷òîæåíèå ñëåäîâ ïðåáûâàíèÿ ïîëü...
2 column clean orange blogger template 10 Mar 2010 | 03:03 am
Here's another free 2 column clean orange blogger template based on a photoshop tutorial by me Tested In: IE6, IE7, IE8, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome Demo | Download Features of this template...
Greenary style 2 column blogger template 30 Jun 2009 | 07:12 am
Here's another free 2 column greenary blogger template based on a photoshop tutorial by Subhadeep and bloggerized By me Tested In: IE6, IE7, IE8, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome Demo | Download ...
Are you an IE8 user and use webslices? Go add our latest browser... 10 Apr 2010 | 06:35 am
Are you an IE8 user and use webslices? Go add our latest browser add-on, the Magma webslice to see the latest must watch and top videos! More info at
Kathmandu shares plummet 23% on profit downgrade: Midday roundup 22 Dec 2011 | 03:14 pm
Outdoor clothing and equipment retailer Kathmandu has suffered a 23% plummet in its share price to $1.27, after the company announced a profit downgrade due to poor Christmas sales.
Microsoft насчитала 2000 несовместимых с IE8 сайтов 30 Mar 2010 | 09:42 pm
В Microsoft видимо до сих пор грезят прошлыми десятилетиями, когда MSIE стабильно был первым среди немногочисленных браузеров и со стандартами можно было вытворять всё что угодно на своё усмотрение. И...
测试工具推荐:IE Tester Web浏览器调试工具 28 May 2011 | 03:32 pm
Web浏览器调试工具:IETester V0.4.10 工具应用价值分析: IETester是一个免费的Web浏览器调试工具,可以模拟出不同的js引擎来帮助程序员设计效果统一的代码。 目前,越来越多的网站采用DIV+CSS进行前台页面的实现,该工具可以通过多标签方式,同步实现多浏览器版本CSS兼容性测试(如下图)。 支持版本包括:IE5.5、IE6、IE7、IE8、IE9、IE10 支...