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High-Level Panel on the CDM Policy Dialogue finalizes recommendations on future of CDM 27 Jul 2012 | 09:05 pm
Johannesburg, 26 July 2012 - The high-level panel established to conduct a policy dialogue on the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has concluded its final meeting by developing...
High-Profile Activist To Release First Full-Length Album For Charity 27 Jul 2012 | 09:03 pm
ucson, AZ - July 27, 2012 -- Robert Park, a high-profile activist and minister who was tortured by the North Korean regime in 2009-2010 will be releasing his first full-length album before the e...
More dr sona patel related news:
Dr. Hitesh Patel Edison: A Popular Ophthalmologist 20 Jan 2012 | 12:05 am
Dr. Hitesh Patel Edison, a board licensed ophthalmologist, working in New Jersey is the creator of Patel Eye Care and Rehabilitation Foundation and Patel Eye Associates. Almost for six years he practi...
Robotic Surgery Pioneer Reaches Historic Milestone with 5,000th Case 6 Dec 2011 | 05:16 am
Dr. Vipul Patel performs his 5,000th prostate removal with the daVinci robot ORLANDO, Fla., Oct. 27, 2011 – Today over 85% of all prostate removal surgeries are done using robotic surgery technology...
Dr. Kamal Patel Discusses Hematology Process With His Patients 27 Nov 2012 | 10:59 am
For the last ten years Dr. Kamal Patel is treating Oncology and Hematology. He is a popular physician in theUSA. He has specialized in both these fields. Hematology studies include the disorder in bl...
Dr. Kamal Patel Uses Various Radiation Treatment Techniques 27 Nov 2012 | 10:58 am
Dr. Kamal Patel is an oncologist, who has specialized in treating cancerous tumors. The treatment plan is decided after he consults other specialists like radiologists, pathologists and surgeons. The...
Dr. Kamal Patel – The Popular Radiation Oncologist 20 Dec 2012 | 09:32 pm
Dr. Kamal Patel joined CTCA (America’s CancerTreatmentCenter) as a radiation oncologist and is impressed about the consideration that is given to each and every patient at the center. He is familiar w...
Dr. Kamal Patel – Advantages Of Adopting A Medical Weight Loss Program 22 Jan 2013 | 03:07 pm
There are people out there wherefore losing weight seems to be impossible, no matter what they try. They follow all the tips and tricks they can find online and in magazines. They would even adopt tho...
Dr. Vipul Patel's Robotic Urologic Surgery 2nd Edition is now a top selling eBook 3 Jul 2013 | 11:10 pm
Dr. Vipul Patel's Robotic Urologic Surgery 2nd Edition is now a top selling eBook.Robotic Urologic Surgery 2nd Edition is now available in the Amazon Kindle Bookstore.2nd ed. 2012, XIX, 541p. 252 illu...
Indian Consultant in UK Honored for work to fight against Sexually Transmitted Diseases 27 Aug 2013 | 03:44 pm
Dr. Raj Patel is a name that has found a place in International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infection winner’s list. He is the fifth person in 90 years to be awarded with a gold medal from inte...
એકલો દરિયો – સુરેશ દલાલ 14 Aug 2013 | 12:37 pm
(સાવ એકલો દરિયો…. Photo: Dr. Chirag Patel) આટઆટલી પથરાઈ છે રેતી તોયે સાવ એકલો દરિયો; મોજાંઓની માયા અહીંયાં વહેતી તોયે સાવ એકલો દરિયો ! બપોરના સૂરજમાં એની એકલતા અમળાય અને રાતના અંધારું થઈ એકલતા સંભ...
Türk Sağlık-Sen olarak Lisans tamamlama konusuyla ilgili Sağlık Bakanı Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, YÖK Başkan Vekili Prof.Dr. İsa Eşme ile yaptığımız görüşmeler,