Most draft of the planning related news are at:

More draft of the planning related news:
Business Planning for Angel Investors and Loan Funding 18 Oct 2011 | 04:32 am
By Matthew Deutsch You should make a very comprehensive list of anyone who would be interested in or could benefit from your products or services when you initially begin to draft your business plan ...
Climate Action Plan Public Session 23 Sep 2011 | 10:16 am
Join us for a public information and participation session. Wednesday Oct. 5th from 5:30 - 7:30 at the Mendenhall Valley Library. To view the draft Climate Action Plan and get more information about...
Board revises items in draft of capital plan 30 May 2012 | 04:08 pm
sdnreporter@yahoo.comFinancial consultant Demery Grubbs presented a draft for a three-year capital improvement plan to members of the Starkville Board of Aldermen at its planning session Tuesday.The b...
Crow Wing County Land Services Department Completes Public Comment Process for Recreation Trails Planning Project 3 Mar 2011 | 03:52 am
(Brainerd, MN) The Crow Wing County Land Services Department has completed the public comment process for the draft comprehensive trails plan that was prepared at the end of year one of a two-year tra...
House Plan Drafting Services 16 Feb 2011 | 08:08 pm
Home plan design, drafting and cad services You have looked at somewhere between 50 and a thousand plans, are frustrated, know what you want but can't find it all in one place. Tell me which pieces ...
Oregon 10-year Draft Energy Action Plan 30 Aug 2012 | 03:29 am
Last month, Earth Advantage Institute had the opportunity to share comments on Oregon’s 10-year Draft Energy Action Plan, which contained several forward thinking, aspirational, and innovative approac...
Public comment is invited for the draft "City of Butler Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan." read more
Alaska 29 Dec 2012 | 10:50 pm
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the release of the Ring of Fire Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) Haines Planning Area Amendment and...
White House Drafts Backup Immigration Plan, Republicans Balk 18 Feb 2013 | 05:22 am
The White House is drafting a backup immigration reform plan in case a bipartisan congressional committee working on a bill fails, an Obama Administration official said on Sunday, though a key Republi...
Empower employees when drafting the business plan 16 May 2013 | 08:10 pm
When small firm owners are just getting started in building their firm, it may be a good idea to use business planning software to allow for better collaboration with processes such as budgeting, fore...