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2013 ILTA survey reveals that law firms buy a lot of iPads and iPhones 27 Aug 2013 | 10:05 am
The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) is a peer networking organization for people who work in the legal technology field, such as the people who work in law firm IT departments. I kn... iWork suite brings Pages, Keynote and Numbers to the browser, even on a PC 26 Aug 2013 | 10:05 am
Apple's iWork suite of apps — Pages, Keynote and Numbers — are some of the best apps on my iPad. I use Pages, along with an external keyboard, to type documents, I use Keynote every time I give a pre...
More dragon dictation iphone related news:
Dragon Dictation (iPhone) 10 Jan 2011 | 02:16 am
Bei der Applikation Dragon Dictation handelt es sich um eine Spracherkennungssoftware, mit der du bequem E-Mails oder SMS diktieren kannst. Dabei fußt die Applikation auf der Dragon NaturallySpeaking ...
Dragon Dictate v2.5.2 With Data Disc (Mac OSX) 30 May 2012 | 09:12 pm
Download programy Dragon Dictate v2.5.2 With Data Disc (Mac OSX) Dragon Dictate v2.5.2 With Data Disc (Mac OSX) Dragon Dictate v2.5.2 With Data Disc (Mac OSX) | 1.49 GB Are you a Mac user that wan...
Dragon Dictate 2.5 (Mac) Reviews 22 Mar 2012 | 07:48 am
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Accurate Voice Dictation for the iPhone, Free! 2 Dec 2009 | 07:50 am
Just in time for Christmas, Dragon Dictation for the iPhone has arrived. And not only is it free, it actually works! After using it for a day, it appears even more powerful than the PC version. For s...
facciamo a capirci 22 Feb 2012 | 09:24 am
e quando alla fine mi sono convinta a usare dragon dictation superando il fastidio innato che provo per il mio stesso tono di voce mi è sembrato perfetto, proprio un messaggio del divino (demiurgo, no...
10 Favorite iPhone Apps 1 Dec 2010 | 01:30 pm
* Dragon Dictation (free). Speak to type. In general, excellent accuracy. After the transcription appears, one tap slaps the text into an outgoing e-mail message, text message, Twitter or Facebook upd...
Inaccessibility, Speech-to-text, Post-surgery 'fun' and Other Stories 28 Sep 2011 | 01:02 pm
Trey Harris's eloquent report on his recent surgery and the resultant need to use dictation software - in his case, mostly Dragon Dictate - should stand as a wake-up call to anyone who builds such sof...
Adam's Top 10 free apps for iPad 3 Jan 2011 | 10:31 am
Adam's Top 10 free apps for iPad 1. Pandora (music) 2. Kayak 3. Dragon Dictation 4. Google Voice 5. Skype 6. Angry Birds lite 7. Netflix 8. ABC (tv shows) 9. Epicurious (recipes) 10. Kindle ...
Dragon Dictation’a Türkçe desteği 24 May 2012 | 11:29 pm
Nuance Communications’ın uygulaması Dragon Dictation‘a Türkçe dil desteği geldi. Bu sayede artık iPhone, iPad ve iPod touchlarımız ile Türkçe konuşarak mesaj, eposta gönderebilecek, facebook ve twitte...
Dictation Software for Mac 31 Dec 2010 | 08:00 am
Dragon Dictate If you own a Mac and are looking for a speech to text program otherwise known as dictation software you have probably been frustrated with the available choices. All in all the progra...