Most dream morning musume related news are at:

SUPER☆GiRLS release short music video for their upcoming single 18 May 2013 | 02:44 am
As we reported previously, SUPER☆GiRLS will be releasing their new single “Tokonatsu High Touch” on June 12. Prior to its release, the short version music video to the title track has been revealed o...
Yoshitaka Yuriko tweets about a great coincidence 18 May 2013 | 01:51 am
On May 16, actress Yoshitaka Yuriko tweeted about an unfortunate accident that ended with a fortunate coincidence. Yoshitaka confessed on Twitter that she lost her mobile phone, but she happened to g...
More dream morning musume related news:
Selective Hearing Video Roundtable Ep. 10 – Dream Morning Musume Special Live 2012 at Budokan 20 Aug 2013 | 05:51 pm
The Selective Hearing crew gathered to watch Dream Morning Musume's Budokan concert. We reminisced on the Momusu days of yore, UP-FRONT costumes, the height of the members (of Dream Morning Musume and...
10th Generation Auditions Announced 9 May 2011 | 02:07 am
We've only had the 9th Generation of Morning Musume with us for 5 months, as a unit they're released just one single (with a 2nd one coming out next month) but, it looks like that soon we'll be seeing... 24 Jan 2003 | 04:45 am
It's a lot easier to go to class when you stay up all night. You don't have to deal with the whole...waking up thing. morning musume - koko ni iruzee (morning underground gogo4714 remix) This is se...
Morning Musume Forty Eighth Single Release Pyoko Pyoko Ultra 3 Feb 2012 | 10:18 pm
Led by new leader Niigaki Risa (who will retire at the end of their spring 2012 tour), the 12 girls' first single together is PyokoPyoko Ultra, another ultra cute pop song from the ultra cute idol gro...
[Review]Morning Musume 50th single – One.Two.Three live at 2012 Girls Award 27 May 2012 | 08:31 am
Listen to the song from the moment it got out till now, =”= Just one word to say: DECULTURE! (ok, I can’t stop my love for Macross so deal with it) Anyway, this song is different from what Momosu ha...
morning musume 26 Aug 2009 | 12:40 am
Konno Asami 7 Jul 2011 | 05:03 pm
Biografía Asami Konno nació el 7 de mayo de 1987, perteneció a la quinta generación de Morning Musume. Ella se unió al grupo en agosto del 2001 con las demás miembros de la quinta generación : Ai Tak...
Morning Musume - Maji Desu ka Ska!(PV) 28 Mar 2011 | 02:30 am
Ya hace unos días salio el nuevo Pv de Morning musume con su nuevo single " Maji Desu ka Ska!" También las chicas de presentaron en el programa Melodix
Morning Musume - Variadas Noticias 4 Mar 2011 | 11:09 am
En estos días han habido varios anuncios para las chicas de Morning Musume. El primer se trata del anuncio de su 46° single y su fecha de lanzamiento es para el 18 de Mayo. Un nuevo single a dos meses...
Morning Musume – “One•Two•Three y The Matenrou Show”. 29 May 2012 | 04:51 pm
Morning Musume, a través de la web de H!P, han comunicado el nombre y fechas de su single N°50 que se titula “One•Two•Three/The Matenrou Show”. Este single saldrá el 4 de julio en 6 ediciones limitad...