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Windows7瘦身秘书 win7封装的好帮手 27 Aug 2013 | 01:03 pm
Windows7瘦身秘书 win7封装的好帮手 如果你想把Win7进行封装就必须对Win7进行必要的瘦身,如果不进行瘦身处理我想你所封装的Win7一定会非常吓人,一张DVD你都无法解决,这时就有必要通过一款Windows7瘦身软件来帮你,今天软件盒子推荐的这款Windows7瘦身秘书就是一款可以帮助win7用户进行系统瘦身的工具,有了该工具,用户再也不用担心封装出来的win7备份文件非常的大,最...
Google Picasa查看、修改、管理集一身的图片浏览软件 26 Aug 2013 | 08:30 am
Google Picasa查看、修改、管理集一身的图片浏览软件 今天在网上闲逛时看到有一个评选,说的是最喜欢的图片浏览软件评选,Google Picasa高居榜首,比历史悠久功能强大且深入人心的ACDSee还要高,IrfanView排在第三,看到上面的排名可以看出Google Picasa是一款非常优秀且值得推荐的图片浏览软件,接着本小编到软件盒子一查找,竟然没收录,真是沧海遗珠啊,一定要补必须...
More dreamcast related news:
NEW DREAMCAST GAME IN SHOPS 20 Mar 2011 | 06:19 am
But hang on, what’s this? Oh. It’s an Xbox 360 reissue. :( Blurry photo hastily taken at PC World. On the plus side it was the only bastion of HAPPY BLUE SKY GAMING sitting on a shelf of dreary 18+...
Someone else is having a coming-of-age eBay sale. Mr “Funky Dung” had access to quite a range of promotional merchandise, it would seem. Or just lots of money to throw at import shops. He no longer w...
Download Dreamcast Collection XBOX 360 3 Mar 2011 | 11:53 am
Download Dreamcast Collection Plataforma: Xbox 360 Tamanho: 5.37 GB Download Parte 01 Fileserve Parte 02 Fileserve Parte 03 Fileserve Parte 04 Fileserve Parte 05 Fileserve Parte 06 Fileserve Parte 07 ...
About Dreamcast Game Series 4 Feb 2012 | 02:34 am
The Dreamcast is the first sixth generation game series. Sega,the multinational game developer,launched it in Japan in 1998. Due to it’s unique features, this game series gained cult status in the his...
Newest Cheats Game 6 Aug 2011 | 07:37 pm
Dreamcast DVD Facebook Gameboy Advance Gamecube iPhone Nintendo DS PC Cheat PC Walkthrough Playstation 2 Playstation 3 Sony PSP Wii XBox XBox 360 Filed under: Cheat Games Tagged: Cheats Game
Un diseñador industrial reinventa a la Dreamcast 24 Jan 2012 | 11:46 pm
Siempre hemos deseado que la plataforma Dreamcast hubiese evolucionado a la par de sus contrapartes de Nintendo, Microsoft y Sony. Si bien Sega no contempla entre sus planes una nueva consola, una ...
I'm back 24 Oct 2011 | 07:30 am
Sorry the long delay, but I have a good news: A new release of NeoGeo emulators AES4ALL and NEO4ALL for Dreamcast and Dingoo (legacy Dingux). Now, AES4ALL has SD-Card support (yes, MMU using SD inste...
RetroEncounter 11 Apr 2011 | 10:10 pm
We have been really cool this weekend in RetroEncounter. I have met to Mekanaizer and Inditek and We have formed a awesome group Dreamcast&Emulation DreamTeam: Franxis, Puck, Fox, NeoBlast, Mekanaizer...
DCaSTaway RC-6 for Dreamcast 8 Apr 2011 | 10:12 pm
I have a debt to release the latest release candidate of DCaSTaway for Dreamcast (only released for Dingoo-A320), but I need some time for coding Dreamcast SD-Card support and fix the STOP bug of FAME...
And now... MAME4ALL 8 Apr 2011 | 07:29 am
Another new beta release of a old project, MAME Arcade emulator for Dreamcast: It uses same romset but it has SD-Card support for loading roms and save config per game, implements a file cache for fa...