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DID DREW PETERSON PICK HIS OWN JURY?? 31 Jul 2012 | 01:34 am
The trial for Bolingbrook police officer Drew Peterson beings on Tuesday. He has sat behind bars for over 3 years on 20 million dollars bond awaiting trial for the murder of his 3rd wife Kathleen Sav...
Drew Peterson trial: Day 9 – Defense asks for mistrial for third time 15 Aug 2012 | 09:57 am
For the third time since the trial started on July 31st, Drew Peterson’s attorney’s asked Judge Edward Burmila to declare a mistrial. Third time might just be a charm as Burmila tore a strip off James...
Drew Peterson trial: Day 10 – Defense withdraws request for mistrial, prosecution’s “Disrepect to the court is shocking” 16 Aug 2012 | 09:02 am
The 10th day of the Drew Peterson trial started off in an unexpected way – with everyone on edge awaiting Judge Edward Burmila’s mistrial ruling, the defense started off their morning in court by with...
Drew Peterson Trial: Day 11 – Pathologist testifies that murder is the only plausible cause of death 17 Aug 2012 | 09:57 am
Dr. Larry Blum testified Thursday in court that the only plausible cause of death of Kathleen Savio was murder. Blum argued that he did not believe a single fall could cause the gash and patterns of b...
Drew Peterson: Untouchable (2012) DVDRip XviD - F0RFUN 17 Aug 2012 | 11:56 am
Drew Peterson: Untouchable (2012) DVDRip XviD-F0RFUN Language(s): English 1hr 27mn | DVDRip | avi | 640x360 | XviD @ 994 Kbps | MP3 @ 128 Kbps | 702 MB Genre(s): Drama iMDB iNFO The story of Drew Pet...
Drew Peterson Trial: Day 12 – Another blow for the prosecution 18 Aug 2012 | 10:00 am
The trial wrapped up its second full week today as the prosecution was dealt another blow to their case. The state has been getting by in the trial so far with little of their hearsay testimony bein...
Drew Peterson: Untouchable 20 Aug 2012 | 07:11 am
Origine du film : U.S.A Réalisateur : Mikael Salomon Titre Original : Drew Peterson: Untouchable Acteurs : Rob Lowe, Kaley Cuoco, Catherine Dent, James C. Burns, Krista Kalmus Genre : Drame Durée : 1H...
Films : L\'Intouchable Drew Peterson 28 Dec 2012 | 08:43 am
Synopsis Après la disparition mystérieuse de sa femme Stacy, le cas de Drew Peterson, sergent de police bien sous tout rapport, soulève quelques interrogations. En effet, le meurtre de sa précédente ...
Case Studies: How we came up with and drew origami logos for LondonClasses 6 Jun 2011 | 09:46 pm
The purpose of LondonClasses social network lies in connecting people who teach certain classes with those who need such classes. The author of the startup approached us for a logo, which would reflec...
Icons: Qt 31 May 2011 | 11:25 pm
We enjoy working with clients from Norway very much. Framebase, for which we drew a character, approached us with an order for icons. These were more like mini illustrations rather than icons. Althoug...