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عوض کردن نام درايو و تعريف يک پوشه به عنوان يک درايو 22 Nov 2007 | 02:02 am
عوض کردن نام درايو و تعريف يک پوشه به عنوان يک درايو تغيير نام درايو(Drive Letter): گاهي اوقات لازم است که نام درايوها را عوض کنيم. به عنوان مثال برخي از برنامه هاي بر روي سي دي تنها از روي درايوي خا...
[ASK] Ubah drive letter 13 May 2012 | 06:48 pm
Halo..halo... ane kembali hadir ne... soalnya kalo gak da kambing_jantan gk rame gtu lho... yeehaa... masih setia dengan [ask] , coz ane lagi getol - getol2_a buat [ask]. sorrry sorry borry ne , kal...
Create Virtual Drive Letters for Folders in Windows 7 23 May 2012 | 04:43 pm
You all would have tried a lot of freeware to create virtual hard drives. I know you would have succeeded in making Virtual Hard Drive for your Windows PC. But now I will be showing how to create Virt...
Hw to remove autorun.inf from my pendrive?? 19 Jan 2011 | 07:23 pm
Start->Run type cmd & enter now open the drive by typing the drive letter {Eg. if pendrive is H drive..Then type H:} Now type attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf then type del autorun.inf Now the ...
Jika Windows Kehabisan Drive Letter 5 Dec 2009 | 10:12 pm
Dulu pernah kepikiran, gimana yah kalo windows kehabisan drive letter? Seperti yang kita ketahui windows menggunakan abjad (A-Z) sebagai nama setiap drivenya. Jadi bisa sampai dengan 26 drive letter. ...
Windows 7 system drive letters 22 Sep 2010 | 04:29 am
I've previously blogged about Wandering drive letters in Windows 7. I've now a little more hard-won knowledge of what's going on. Be very careful if you resize a Windows 7 system partition when the p...
Cara mengubah Drive Letter Flash Disk atau Hardisk 23 Jun 2010 | 01:56 pm
Drive Letter adalah huruf yang digunakan untuk awalan suatu drive, yang dapat dilihat di My Computer. Contoh : Diska Lokal (C:). [Drive Letter=C). untuk lebih lanjut, lihat gambar dibawah. (klik untuk...
Unformatted issue for Ext3Fsd 0.48 5 Feb 2011 | 07:31 pm
Several Ext2Fsd users reported this issue: after upgrading to Ext2Fsd 0.48, all the ext2/3 partitions that 0.46a could mount, couldn’t be mounted any more. Though the drive letter was assigned succ...
Solving Verbatim Store ‘n’ Save 3TB External HDD Showing 2 Devices 1 Oct 2012 | 06:19 pm
I got a Verbatim Store 'n' Save 3TB USB 3.0 External HDD which showing 2 devices on my PC, one with a capacity of 2TB and one with a capacity of 746GB. This cause the HDD to have 2 drive letters and I...
Western Digital MyBook Has No Drive Letter 6 Oct 2012 | 05:21 am
I recently purchased a Western Digital USB external hard drive to use as a backup. However when I set it up, there was no drive letter. This solution is based on a previous article I wrote, so here is...