Most droid sans related news are at:

Windows media keys on a regular keyboard 17 Aug 2013 | 12:59 am
Many full-size Windows keyboards come with many extra buttons many of which are useless but the volume and music controls are pretty useful especially if you’re a programmer that likes to listen to mu...
Experiencing Chromecast – my review 15 Aug 2013 | 01:17 pm
My eagerly-awaited Chromecast arrived a couple of weeks ago. Despite the reports that Google had run out of Netflix codes my 3-month streaming code arrived a few days before by email – a great deal gi...
More droid sans related news:
Droid Sans 23 Feb 2012 | 08:48 am
View the web font specimen sheet. Designed by Steve Matteson, Type Director of Ascender Corp. Droid Sans is a humanist sans serif font. Ascender describes it as having “an upright stress, open forms...
Photoshop PSD Download Buttons for Free 18 Apr 2012 | 03:58 am
Heute erstellte ich für euch abgerundete Photoshop Buttons in drei Variationen. Die PSD Datei ist wie immer uneingeschränkt verwendbar und spielend einfach zu ändern. Als Font wurde Droid Sans verwend...
New fonts 1 Dec 2010 | 07:29 pm
Arial Courier Georgia Impact Times New Roman Trebuchet Verdana Calibri Cambria Cantarell Cardo Consolas Corsiva Crimson Text Cuprum (?????????) Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif ...
fonts: บันทึก Roboto 3 Oct 2012 | 04:51 pm
เอาฟอนต์ Roboto มาใส่ภาษาไทย โดยเอาโครงฟอนต์ Roboto (20%) + Droid Sans (30%) + Garuda (50%) จุดประสงค์คือจะนำไปใช้ทดสอบ Android ICS ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์ฟอนต์ (ล่าสุดคือ 20121003) Roboto-ttf.tar.gz read m...
Using Custom Fonts in Android 21 Dec 2012 | 02:27 am
By default Android comes with three standard fonts: Droid Sans (default font), Droid Serif, and Droid Sans Mono. They all can be applied to any view that supports styling, such as TextView, Button, by...
Theme deLucide 19 Oct 2011 | 10:09 pm
deLucide est un thème WordPress premium de type portfolio très chic et élégant pour mettre en valeur vos photos ou tout autre travail dans un design professionnel. Gérez votre portfolio sans aucune co...
Org. Cemal Gürsel’den İDAM İTİRAFI 17 Sep 2011 | 06:18 am
15 Eylül’de kararını açıklayan mahkeme heyeti, sanıkların savunmalarını dinlemiyordu bile. Hatta yapılan savunmalar da irtibat subayının kasasından çıkmıştı. Bugün Adnan Menderes’in yol arkadaşları Ma...
asknet Publishes Business Figures for Q1 2012 24 May 2012 | 07:29 pm
Karlsruhe, San Francisco, May 24, 2012 – asknet AG, a leading supplier of global eCommerce solutions for software and digital media companies, has announced its business figures for the first quarter ...
asknet Publishes Group Business Figures for the Fiscal year 2011 29 Mar 2012 | 07:58 pm
Karlsruhe, Germany and San Francisco, USA - March 29, 2012 - asknet AG, a leading supplier of global eCommerce solutions for software and digital media companies, has announced its business figures fo...
asknet publishes business figures for the first nine months of the year 16 Nov 2011 | 01:01 am
Karlsruhe, San Francisco, November 15, 2011 – asknet AG, a leading supplier of global eCommerce solutions for software and digital media companies, has announced its business figures for the first nin...