Most drop shadow css related news are at:

BrazilJS conference and a very interesting night in Brazil 24 Aug 2013 | 02:00 am
I’m currently in Porto Alege in South Brazil, to speak at the BrazilJS conference. It’s an excellent event, and speaking in a cinema to almost 1000 persons is very inspiring! The conference organizer...
The launch of Firefox OS – my thoughts and some history 2 Jul 2013 | 04:38 pm
It all started about two years ago. I had recently joined Mozilla, and about one or two months in, a wiki page surfaced. It was called B2G. The beginning B2G stod for Boot to Gecko, a name implying ...
More drop shadow css related news:
Adobe Edge Preview 4: Concentric Rings Demo Animation 25 Feb 2012 | 07:12 am
This is a deviation from the Symbol Instance tutorial posted earlier. I re-positioned the symbol instance; turned off Solid Color Fills; disabled the ‘box-shadow’ css ‘blur’ effect, and enabled Stroke...
Quick Swipe: TNW Logo 19 Aug 2010 | 07:03 pm
Today’s swipe is the TNW logo for The Next Web blog: This logo’s design really popped out at me. Who said gradients and drop shadows are dead? They’re being used really well here.
Drop shadow with CSS for all web browsers 5 Dec 2011 | 07:06 am
Here is the css drop shadow.. which work all web browsers like mozilla firefox, google chrome, safari, IE7, IE8, IE9 …….. CSS HTML <div class=”box”>some text here…</div>
Crossbrowser CSS drop shadow 28 Apr 2010 | 08:39 pm
Drop shadow – ofwel de illusie dat iets zweeft en diepte heeft – wordt al jarenlang met afbeeldingen gedaan, ofwel met nuffige semi-CSS oplossingen. CSS3 is nog niet voor elke browser 100%, maar drop...
CSS shapes simple drop shadow. 2 Apr 2012 | 04:05 am
A simple shadow with CSS shapes, this is resizable and tiny.
Drop Shadow LinearLayout 29 Jun 2011 | 09:23 pm
I thought I would share this quick tip I just cooked up. To create a drop shadow below a layout component, you can add a “view” of the same width immediately below that component and set the backgroun...
Drop Shadow Pada Gambar Postingan 27 Jun 2010 | 02:39 am
Menambahkan sebuah efek bayangan yang timbul pada suatu objek mungkin akan mempercantik tampilan gambar pada posting kita. Coba anda perhatikan gambar yang ada pada setiap postingan blog ini, ada hal ...
Projected Shadow Text in Photoshop CS5 10 May 2011 | 10:00 pm
Photoshop offers a drop shadow Layer Style, but a cooler effect is to add a projected shadow to images and text. To do this though, requires a little bit more [...]
இணையத்தளத்தில் படங்களின் நிழல்கள் (image shadow) 9 Feb 2009 | 02:49 am
இணையத்தளத்தில் உள்ள படங்களை, பார்வையாளர்களுக்கு கண்கவரும் வண்ணம் வெளிப்படுத்த இதனை பயன்படுத்தலாம். இதற்காக பயன்படுவது மிகச்சிறிய css code மற்றும் ட்ரான்ஸ்பரன்ஸி முறையில் தயாரிக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு .gif ஆகிய இ...
Gradient Background and Drop Shadow 16 Oct 2010 | 06:28 am
In this Photoshop video tutorial you will learn: Ever wonder how to take an object from a photograph and make it stand out on its own? Sure, you can delete the background, but that just leaves a plai...