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Marko quiere mejoras en los neumáticos “lo antes posible” 30 Apr 2013 | 09:01 pm
El asesor de Red Bull, Helmut Marko, reconoce que no está satisfecho con el pequeño cambio realizado por el suministrador único de neumáticos Pirelli, que mejorará la duración de las gomas más duras a...
Briatore descarta un retorno a la F1 30 Apr 2013 | 12:28 am
El otrora máximo responsable del equipo Renault, cuando todavía competía bajo las siglas del fabricante francés en la F1, Flavio Briatore descartó un retorno a la F1, al menos en el futuro inmediato, ...
More drs in fi racing related news:
Auto Sport News 26 Feb 2012 | 02:25 am
What is your hobby? Most people can do all activities that they in their free day. Some people have hobby to watch auto sport racing. You can watch FI racing or MotoGP racing. You must have favorite r...
This Post is Brought to You by the Letter S 25 Feb 2012 | 01:29 pm
Because S stands for: Spectator Signs and Science Show and Tell, duh. It's been a busy week over here in Gal Land, and I've been dying to share my thoughts on my first time spectating a race, but fi...
V Season 1-2 Complete 480p x264 140MB MKV Mediafire Download 11 Apr 2012 | 10:56 pm
Info: (TV Series 2009- ) IMDb Rating: 7.0 Genre: Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller Cast: Elizabeth Mitchell, Morris Chestnut and Joel Gretsch An extraterrestrial race...
Photo of the Day: Multnomah Falls, Oregon, USA 24 Feb 2012 | 07:06 am
Multnomah Falls, Oregon, USA (photo by Luis Bastardo) Last July, one of our friends decided to cycle from Seattle, WA to Portland, OR in the annual STP race. Luis and I promised to meet her at the fi...
Fericirea este asociată cu patriotismul, mai ales în țările sărace 17 Feb 2011 | 09:23 pm
Organizația Gallup a chestionat 1.000 de oameni din 128 dintre cele circa 198 de țări ale lumii (încă mai există dispute înte unele țări privind suveranitatea, cum ar fi între China și Taiwan, așa că ...
Race To Witch Mountain 2009 [Cam Rip], the rock latest movie 8 Apr 2009 | 05:27 pm
Release: 2009 (USA) Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Sci-Fi | Thriller Tagline: The Race Is On Plot: A Las Vegas
Tabata protocol și Carpathian Adventure 3 Jun 2009 | 09:48 am
Ovidiu m-a convins să mă înscriu și eu la Carpathian Adventure 2009, un adventure race care anul ăsta are loc în Făgăraș. Țelul ar fi să terminăm cursa: avem la dispoziție 72 de ore pentru aprox 50km ...
DEATH RACE 2 14 Feb 2011 | 06:51 pm
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller DEATH RACE 2 R E V I E W An origin story for convicted cop killer Frankenstein. Download Files : part1 part2
33rd Americas Cup from the 32nd in 2007 25 Jan 2010 | 11:09 pm
As the 33rd Americas Cup is about to be raced lets not forget how it got to this from an exciting race 7 in the 32nd cup in 2007. Strewn with a port/starboard protest, lead changes and the closest fi...
Mario Kart DS 25 Mar 2012 | 12:39 am
The ultimate Mario Kart race is on…and online via your Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in Mario Kart DS. Drawing on more than 30 courses and battle arenas from every game in the Mario Kart series - not to m...