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– The Maneater
Letter from the editor: Regarding Abigail Fisher's column 27 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
On behalf of The Maneater, I would like to offer a full apology to Dr. Stephanie Shonekan, to all students who are taking or have taken her Hip Hop: Global Music and Culture class, and to anyone who t...
Columnist Fisher's comments demean the hard work of professor, students 27 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
I read with interest Abigail Fisher's column, "What college can teach you about life and pizza" in your August 21, 2013 issue. I'm all for humorists and their clever work, but humor usually stems from...
More drugs in perspective final exam related news:
One in 10 Teens Using ‘Study Drugs,’ but Parents Aren’t Paying Attention 26 Aug 2013 | 08:22 am
New Addiction Information As high schoolers prepare for final exams, teens […] New Addiction Information - Newly Relevant Information Regarding Addiction and its Treatment Related posts: Caution.....