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Somerville Police: Drunk driver nodded off behind wheel 22 Jul 2010 | 07:37 am
By George P. HassettAn Arlington woman was arrested for drunk driving Friday night after a concerned citizen called police to report an erratic motorist driving with her head down. Kristen Good, 28, o...
How to Minimize the Risk of Being Hit by a Drunk Driver 10 Sep 2008 | 09:38 am
There’s no two ways about it: drinking and driving kills. In 2005, over 16,000 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes. This represents nearly 40% of all fatal auto accidents. Unfortunately, it...
Very Sad 14 Feb 2010 | 06:28 am
My daughter wrote the most amazing post. I thought I would just share her post here today: A 21-year old from my town, Santa Barbara, was hit and killed by a drunk driver in Rhode Island at about 2 a... 30 Jan 2011 | 05:32 pm
My heart is heavy tonight. A friend from high school lost her sister today. She was hit by a drunk driver. She was in a coma, and then passed away today. The drunk driver got out of the car and ran aw...
Drinking & Driving Statistics prompt Narconon Trois-Rivieres to ask: Should Drunk Drivers all go to Alcohol Rehab? 4 Feb 2011 | 06:00 am
Trois-Rivieres, QC February 02, 2011 Narconon Trois-Rivieres is launching a Drinking and Driving PSA campaign for Canada in order to counter raising statistics of fatal accidents due to impaired dri...
Witness helps OPP stop drunk driver 29 May 2012 | 07:20 am
WASAGA BEACH — Huronia West OPP say a passerby's assistance helped police apprehend a drunk driver, Saturday night. According to the OPP, an officer was stopped by a man who advised he witnessed a pos...
Drunk Driver Championship 28 Jan 2011 | 09:06 am
Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as...
Find information about a competent DWI lawyer 3 May 2012 | 11:26 pm
With the increase in the number of deaths daily that are caused by drunk drivers, it is not a wonder that laws for DWI’s and dui’s are getting stricter. Before you find yourself in a police station ar...
Using Smartphones While Driving – You Might as Well Be Drunk! 23 Feb 2012 | 09:54 pm
New studies have shown that when you use your phone while driving, you reduce your reaction time to that of a 70 year old, and your driving abilities are on par with that of a drunk driver. Yet, many ...
DUI Defintions: Breathalyzer 22 Sep 2011 | 12:56 pm
Breathalyzer: A portable machine used by law enforcement to measure the BAC of suspected drunk drivers. If you’ve recently either failed a Breathalyzer or refused to submit to one in Tampa, it’s vita...