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Help Drupal8 happen - GitTip Alex Pott 10 Aug 2013 | 03:11 pm
Back in April 2013 Dries Buytaert appointed Alex Pott as a Drupal 8 co-maintainer. Having recently quit his well paid job, in accepting this key role Alex made a huge time commitment to Drupal and sig...
Drupal 8 Contributed Module Sprint 6 Aug 2013 | 04:09 pm
As part of a concerted global effort by the Drupal Community to prepare for Drupal 8, Jos Doekbrijder and Miro Dietiker are organising a Drupal 8 code sprint this Friday focused on porting contributed...
More drupal api taxonomy related news:
Tuning taxonomy pages with Page Manager, Panels, Views and custom “build modes” in Drupal 7 7 May 2011 | 03:20 am
Drupal ships with a lot of great things. One of these is Drupal’s taxonomy system. It allows us to categorise content and build listings automatically. Great for keeping track of our content, and the ...
Drupal 7 Field API - A simple example 20 Nov 2010 | 09:58 am
The following example uses Drupal 7 beta 3 release. A simple introduction and demonstration of the new Field API (CCK rolled in the Core Drupal API). When you install Drupal 7 beta 3, the system is ...
Ubiquity Commands Updated 23 Jul 2009 | 10:36 am
Ubiquity 0.5 was released a few weeks ago, and I finally got around to updating my commands. If you were using my W3C or Drupal API Ubiquity commands, they are now 0.5 compatible. Please update your c...
A concept for limiting taxonomy terms by common fields 24 Nov 2011 | 03:20 am
drupal drupal planet taxonomy javascript ajax There are several modules that provide taxonomy term widgets that are more efficient at drilling down into large and complex vocabularies of terms, b...
The DX Files: Defined constants as API arguments 3 Jul 2008 | 05:50 am
This is part two of my series, The DX Files: Improving Drupal Developer Experience. Many Drupal APIs accept a boolean argument (TRUE or FALSE) to determine some behavior. I believe that practice shou...
WARNING: Use Drupal 6 Taxonomy "Synonyms" and "Related Terms" With Care! 10 Jun 2011 | 05:29 pm
Spent all day battling this. Drupal 6.x core (up to 6.22 as of today) has a critical bug that causes data loss when using taxonomy synonyms and related terms: (This is a...
Drupal Api Tutorial 23 Jun 2012 | 11:49 pm
Drupal Api: Lessons Learned Integrating Drupal with nodejsmongodb Powered Webservices [May 17, 2012]. Want to learn more about Acquia’s products, services, and happenings in the Drupal Community? Visi...
Drupal Jquery Taxonomy Dropdown Menu 2 May 2013 | 01:29 pm
I wanted to have a single level menu where the second and third level are shown of the taxonomy menu. Like I had taxonomy_menu module to create a menu from my taxonomy. Then I had ...
Drupal: Узнать следующий/предыдущий термин 18 Jul 2013 | 12:33 pm
Задача — зная tid термина, узнать следующий и предыдущий термин. Решение: Читать дальше → Похожие записи: Drupal: Модуль Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget — раскрывающийся древовидный виджет для...
Content Management in Drupal 6 13 Jul 2010 | 02:18 pm
So you have a lot of content on your Drupal site? Or you think you are going to? Comments? How do you approve them? What about Taxonomy? It's all under the Content Management section in Drupal 6. Thi...