Most drupal cck taxonomy field related news are at:

Doing Web Design in Botswana! 4 May 2012 | 12:06 pm
I’ll be spending the month of May in Botswana, doing web development. Follow my trip on UBC’s Leave for Change blog. Latest Posts: The HIV Test You’re gonna be a star! Safari, and etc. Botswana ...
Mind: blown (or: How to use Drupal’s post teasers properly) 30 Aug 2011 | 08:49 am
This past week I was lucky enough to take Drupal module development course taught by Gord Christmas. Gord showed the class a lot of really cool stuff, and helped solidify my understanding of some here...
More drupal cck taxonomy field related news:
【Drupal】用于 Drupal7 的中国省市两级联动下拉框 Field Sino City 模块 29 May 2012 | 08:34 pm
网络上大概搜了一下发现还没有人贡献用于 Drupal 的中国省市两级联动下拉框模块,所以干脆自己写个并本着开源精神开放给大家下载,模块使用的是 Drupal 7 的 Field API 开发,所以不能用于旧版本的 CCK 模块,有能力的同学可以自己动手修改。详细的中国省市数据来自腾讯的 QQ 注册页面调用的数据文件,但仅保留了中国的省市数据,一定程度上保证了更新和真实性。 下载地址:drupal...
Building Drupal with Reusable Fields 17 Apr 2011 | 01:04 pm
CCK and Field API CCK is the most useful module for Drupal. It adds custom fields and content types to Drupal. Drupal 7 incorporates the community efforts of CCK into the core as the Field API. The C...
Adding Taxonomy To Drupal 7 Contents 8 Nov 2011 | 01:03 pm
For reasons that I am not aware of, Drupal 7 does not come with taxonomy field as default and that means you have to "insert" it into a content type of your choice. I noticed that whenever I was crea...
A concept for limiting taxonomy terms by common fields 24 Nov 2011 | 03:20 am
drupal drupal planet taxonomy javascript ajax There are several modules that provide taxonomy term widgets that are more efficient at drilling down into large and complex vocabularies of terms, b...
Drupal 7 Field API - A simple example 20 Nov 2010 | 09:58 am
The following example uses Drupal 7 beta 3 release. A simple introduction and demonstration of the new Field API (CCK rolled in the Core Drupal API). When you install Drupal 7 beta 3, the system is ...
Создание надежного кода для полей, в седьмом Друпале 26 Aug 2011 | 05:10 pm
Это перевод моего блогпоста Writing robust code that uses fields, in Drupal 7 В семерке изменился способ прямого доступа к полям (cck в друпале 6.x). В шестерке мы пишем: <?php $field_val = $node->f...
How to handle taxonomies – CCK Fields or default? 2 Mar 2011 | 05:45 am
I’ve recently come to the conclusion that it’s far better to add vocabularies via CCK than it is to use the default Taxonomy setting. Why? Oh, so many reasons. Here are three: Content display Token...
Critique du livre Drupal 7 Fields/CCK 17 Oct 2011 | 02:30 pm
La maturité d’une plateforme de développement se mesure souvent par le large éventail de livres disponibles, couvrant tous les aspects de la plateforme ainsi que les niveaux de maîtrise de cette plate...
Episode IV: A new hope for CCK in core 5 Dec 2008 | 04:04 am
Show Links Organic Groups for Drupal 6 FormBuilder Module is released Fields in Core Sprint Drupalcon Submissions
Migrating Nodes and Taxonomies, as well as CCK and Views Definitions, Between Drupal Instances 7 Mar 2009 | 07:24 am
In my previous Headless Drupal post, I proposed ways to work with Drupal content programmatically, particularly for bulk tasks like updating many nodes. A question was raised in a comment on that pos...