Most drupal date field related news are at:

Geofield/ Leaflet - Zoom Level per Javascript setzen 15 Aug 2013 | 11:22 pm
Leider bietet das geofield Modul in Verbindung mit leaflet bei der Anzeige von Karten in den Einstellungen keine Möglichkeit den Zoom der Karte direkt zu setzen. Für die Anzeige verwende ich in meine...
Organic Groups - Mitglieder auslesen und in Dropdown anzeigen 11 Jul 2013 | 10:56 am
Vor Kurzem gab es auf die Frage, wie man wohl alle Mitglieder einer Organic Group in einem Dropdown anzeigen lassen könnte. Folgendes Code-Snippet zeigt die Lösung: Natürlich kann di...
More drupal date field related news:
php代码小偷 2 Jun 2010 | 06:44 pm
6.x 此文章记录收集一些php代码片段,本人的php水准说“捉襟见肘”那都是夸奖了,所以看到比较基础的代码或语法列在这儿请偷着乐 ,欢迎指教更好的方法。 二、返回cck的date field为时间戳(参考:Return Unix timestamp from CCK date field) cck的date field是 以格式化过的时间 (现在才发现原来date字段有时间戳类型选择,之前...
Drupal 7 Field API Simple Example - Digging Deeper 31 Mar 2011 | 04:39 am
This article is a follow up to "Drupal 7 Field API - A simple example". This article is intended for programmers. We build a proof-of-concept module who's sole purpose is to demonstrate features of th...
Drupal 7 Adding Custom Content Type with Custom Fields (Field API) 2 Dec 2010 | 10:56 am
In this post we are going to use the custom field "news_date" described in the previous post "Drupal 7 Field API - A simple example". The module in this post automatically installs a content type wit...
Drupal 7 Field API - A simple example 20 Nov 2010 | 09:58 am
The following example uses Drupal 7 beta 3 release. A simple introduction and demonstration of the new Field API (CCK rolled in the Core Drupal API). When you install Drupal 7 beta 3, the system is ...
Known issues 15 Mar 2010 | 11:35 am
We are experiencing some difficulties importing certain Date fields due to incompatibility of date formats. We expect to have a patch by today.
Custom i4w Shortcode - Set Date of Custom Field For Evergreen Events 23 Dec 2010 | 11:24 am
The field you set should be a date field in Infusionsoft and will be set with a date that is however many days out from the day you make the post. Example Here is an example of a shortcode with t...
Critique du livre Drupal 7 Fields/CCK 17 Oct 2011 | 02:30 pm
La maturité d’une plateforme de développement se mesure souvent par le large éventail de livres disponibles, couvrant tous les aspects de la plateforme ainsi que les niveaux de maîtrise de cette plate...
jQuery: Get formatted Date from returned JSON data 26 Feb 2009 | 02:09 am
Recently I was working on using client side template to show a tabular data and one of the columns was a date field. The return data was an enumerable type i.e. List of objects containing the System.D...
Tweaking Drupal Date-Popup Format in an Exposed View 22 Jun 2011 | 01:17 pm
* Note this entry only pertains to the Date-Popup boxes when used in a Views filter, not a regular node-based form. Today I needed to change the format of the date-popup box on an exposed views filter...
Field API: What would you like to know? 28 Apr 2009 | 07:00 am
The Field API is major new functionality in Drupal 7 to provide custom data types just like CCK did for previous versions of Drupal. The Field API team has written fairly thorough API documentation bu...