Most drupal styling forms related news are at:

China And Open Source 27 Feb 2013 | 01:00 pm
There hasn’t been much time for settling in the past 8 years through which I called Shanghai my home base. Friends came and went, jobs changed, and so did apartments, but being a geek and taking part ...
About Not Owning Sh*t 10 Feb 2013 | 01:00 pm
As far as I can remember, I’ve been a fairly resolute (some may say stubborn) person. I just can’t seem to nuance my commitments: I either do something, or I don’t. I often think of the song Running A...
More drupal styling forms related news:
How to style input tag file uploads in Webkit (Chrome, Safari) 4 Mar 2012 | 10:54 pm
If you’ve ever been tasked with creating a consistent user experience across all web browsers you’ve probably had a real challenge styling form input elements. Historically IE has been the most challe...
Smartik UI – User Interface Kit 31 Jan 2012 | 10:05 am
Creative set of web elements. Basic elements great for front-end and back-end development/design. To edit an element just find the main group then select subgroub which styles, forms etc. Pack contain...
Publishing Linked Open Data of Austria at the Vienna Create Camp 11 10 Oct 2011 | 04:03 am
The last weekend I attended the Vienna Create camp 11, a great event for collaboratively creating applications related to open data and accessibility. 6 members of Drupal Austria formed a team to mak...
Dependent Lists and Ajax Form Submission 6 Dec 2010 | 01:55 pm
In this post we going to demo how simple it is to create dynamic forms with Drupal 7 Form API (aka FAPI). Our form will have 2 select lists (aka drop down combo boxes). Our first list lets a user sel...
designing link styles 23 Feb 2009 | 01:52 am
Links are the fabric of the web. In this post I discuss the importance of link styling, and in particular, text links. I emphasise that link styles form a core prerequisite in designing a great user e...
drupal module yang aku buang 2 Dec 2009 | 07:23 am
aku buang beberapa module lagi yang aku rasa tidak berguna FeedAPI Comments 6.x-1.0 Stores comments from other sites as a Drupal-style comments under the feed node. Depends on: FeedAPI (enabled), Com...
Multi Steps Form in Drupal 7 with Ctools 18 May 2011 | 04:33 am
Tags: drupal ctools forms Creating multi steps forms, forms with fields over multiple pages, is not a given for most developers. It requires handling user input over several pages, several page re...
How to Add a Field to Drupal Contact form 9 Mar 2010 | 07:33 pm
STEP 1 : First you have to create a module. Create a folder into /sites/all/modules. Give the folder name your module name. Create a module file into the folder. Give the module a name. I have used “...
Image Upload Block 28 Jun 2012 | 01:25 am
drupal planet form api render array theming 6.27.2012 Image Upload Block By Evan Jenkins | 2 Comments I have come across many times where I need to create a block that has an image, with an ima...
Drupal Form API - Using Ajax 25 Sep 2012 | 05:17 am
I love Drupal's Form API. In just about every project we are either modifying or creating custom forms and thankfully, Drupal's Form API makes executing these tasks a fairly easy process. Everybody lo...