Most ds shooting homebrew related news are at: – DS-Scene Downloads Area

Ready for FallBlox? 15 Nov 2012 | 06:32 am

FALLBLOX READY TO DROP PULL iT AND PULL iT ... DiFFERENTLY? Liked PullBlox or Pushmo for our American friends? Well FallBlox is ready to drop in a few hours on the EU eShop so keep your eyes peeled a...

6115 - Mahjong Mysteries: Ancient Athena *MULTi4* (EUR) (64Mbit) (EXiMiUS) 11 Nov 2012 | 08:31 am

Rom Number : 6115 Game Full Name : Mahjong Mysteries: Ancient Athena *MULTi4* Game Region : EUR Release Group : EXiMiUS Rom Size : 64Mbit Save Type : 4kb File Name : xms-maae.rar Folder Name : ...

More ds shooting homebrew related news:

[DS] Space Impakto DS v1.2.0 19 Jun 2011 | 08:50 pm

relminator ha aggiornato il suo homebrew-game del genere shoot ‘em up per DS   Ormai questo homebrew migliora sempre di più in ogni versione. Vi consigliamo di provarlo! Changelog: Changed the order...

[DS] Micro Solitaire v0.31 19 Jun 2011 | 12:08 am

Il coder Mougeot Nicolas ha aggiornato il suo homebrew-game “Micro Solitaire” ispirato al gioco di carte “Solitario”. Il gioco è stato scritto con in linguaggio di programmazione LUA perciò dovrete av...

[DS] Micro Lua DS v4.0.2 18 Jun 2011 | 11:57 pm

E’ stata rilasciata una nuova versione di MicroLua DS, homebrew necessario per giocare ai giochi in lua per DS. Changelog: I- New features | —————-+ * Nothing for this time, the awesomeness of Micr...

"Zirton's War" 30 May 2005 | 10:00 am

AUTEUR : AnarXLIBRAIRIE : PA_libSCREEN : TELECHARGEMENTS : Fichier .bin Fichier .ds.gba COMMENTAIRES : Ce shoot de AnarX n'en est qu'à ses débuts. Les gfx sotn temporaires et les ennemis ni les collis...

Infos: EDGE Backup Modul für Nintendo DS NDS NDS Lite 21 Oct 2009 | 12:54 am

Tags: nds rom, nintendo, backup, lite EDGE Flash Card, Supoort MicroSDHC Cards EDGE is a multi functional media adapter for NDS. It accepts MicroSD and MicroSDHC cards. EDGE allows use of Homebrew D...

닌텐도 DS(NDS) 용 한글 입력기와 간단한 메모장 프로그램 릴리즈~~!! 30 Nov 2007 | 01:56 am

틈틈히 만든 닌텐도 DS(이하 NDS)용 한글 입력기와 간단한 메모장 프로그램을 공개합니다. 생각보다 일이 많아서 릴리즈가 조금 늦어졌습니다. NDS용 홈브루(Homebrew)는 많이 있습니다만, 한글 입력이 가능한 홈브루가 없어서 만들어야겠다고 생각만하다가 이제.... 글 전체보기

Navigateurs Okiwi, Bunjalloo, DSOrganise, DS Hobro 26 Mar 2008 | 10:00 pm

(L'image est une prise de vue du navigateur Bunjalloo) Un petit article parlant homebrew. J'évoque ...

Download Center - DSTTi DSTT R4DS AceKard2i Firmware & Kernel & DS Homebrew For Flash Cart 10 Nov 2009 | 04:41 pm

DSTTi & DSTT Firmware Update Information TTMenu Kernel (DSTTi & DSTT) v1.18       2010-12-15 NEW! TTMenu Kernel (DSTTi & DSTT) v1.17a12  2009-12-21 TTMenu Kernel (DSTTi & DSTT) v1.17       2009-01-...

My Favorite Homebrew 8 Feb 2012 | 10:06 am

So, the MicroSD card in my DS-Lite died the other day and I was forced to try to find all the homebrew that I had installed on it.   This made me realize three major things.  1) Man.. this site is mis...

Welcome 7 Feb 2012 | 08:00 pm

Welcome to the Nintendo DS Homebrew website. Your resource for homebrew Nintendo DS ROMs and reviews. This site was put together to try to give the NDS community a single point for tracking new and up...

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