Most dsk vst related news are at:

Loopbased intros Futurized EDM Construction Kits Vol 1, CeeJay TRAP KIT, R&B Vibez and Electro Gods 27 Aug 2013 | 05:12 pm
Loopbased has introduced four new sample packs, now available from its online product catalog. New at Loopbased Futurized EDM Construction Kits Vol 1 features five fully mixed and mastered Constructio...
Minimal System launches Payday Special – 50% off all products 27 Aug 2013 | 03:22 pm
Minimal System Instruments has announced a Payday Special, offering 50% off all its plugins and Live packs. Here at Minimal System we look forward to Pay Day as much as the next person! To celebrate w...
More dsk vst related news:
Freeware de l'avent : Twin Engined Verb 10 Dec 2009 | 07:25 pm
From Audiofanzine website 68 controls 192 presets Filtres shelves Crossover 2 rooms with 3 algorithms each 6 modes d'enhancer Automation VST MIDI control Mid/side Stereo flip 2 distortio...
MakeTunes Guitarist Competition 24 Jul 2009 | 12:16 pm
Well it's here folks, the first MakeTunes Guitarist Competition! I know many of you are really looking forward to this one. I've lined up some great commercial VST effects software from Ohmforce as pr...
Q&A: How do I send notes from a MIDI file into a VST instrument using Ableton Live? 13 Jun 2009 | 10:56 am
Ableton Help, Ableton FAQ, MIDI, VST Plugin. Having trouble using MIDI files with Ableton Live? Do you want to use a MIDI file you downloaded from the internet within Ableton Live? Then read on. For t...
Melodyne Direct Note Access (DNA) 16 Apr 2008 | 10:51 am
Electronic Music Production, Plugins, VST, Melodyne. Celemony Melodyne is about to release a revolutionary tool for producers and remixers. It’s called Direct Note Access (DNA) and it allows you to se...
Free VST/AU Oscilloscope 17 Feb 2008 | 10:43 am
VST, Plugin, Free, Mixing, Oscilloscope.A good oscilloscope is useful in many contexts: synthesizer programming, understanding phase cancellation, compression, etc. Lucky for you, there is a fantastic...
Reconstitution vidéo 3D DSK 16 May 2011 | 09:46 pm
Les chinois régalent souvent dans la reconstitution 3D de faits d’actualité. L’affaire DSK ne déroge pas à la règle, c’est l’occasion pour le directeur du FMI de perdre quelques kilos! Cliquer ici po...
DSK Naked Man 16 May 2011 | 10:19 am
Dominique Strauss-Kahn qui sort nu de la douche pour accueillir la femme de ménage, comme un air de déjà vu dans la série How I Met Your Mother! DSK remplace Barney Stinson dans le Naked Man! Cliquer...
Le soleil brille, les oiseaux chantent, DSK est en garde à vue, 22 Feb 2012 | 02:50 am
c'est les vacances et je pars forniquer 10 jours dans le Poitou... QUE C'EST BEAU, C'EST BEAU LA VIE!!!
Affaire Carlton : quand DSK focalise l'attention 15 Dec 2011 | 01:41 am
Depuis le début de l'affaire de proxénétisme supposé liée à l'hôtel Carlton de Lille, l'attention des médias et des juges d'instruction se focalise sur le cas de DSK, et sur les éventuelles poursuites...
coffee research form 29 Feb 2012 | 05:20 am
I refer you to: this post which details the purpose of this study and this post which contains a random brew recipe generator and this page for reference on how to clean, calibrate and use a VST ...