Most dublin web startup 2009 related news are at:

West Cork’s First Major Tech Conference – OFFSITE 3 Sep 2012 | 02:24 pm
The lovely people down at WCDP (West Cork Development Partnership) in Clonakilty, have just announced an all-new Tech Conference called OFFSITE. I’m really pleased they are doing this, and not just b...
Hack The City – Idea Lab Open Call – Go on, do it. 16 Apr 2012 | 12:20 am
I somehow missed this completely until one of the Science Gallery people sent it on. In a nutshell, from their site: As part of Science Gallery’s HACK THE CITY exhibition and festival we will be runn...
More dublin web startup 2009 related news:
Live @ Dublin Web Summit 2013 com Startups Portuguesas 27 Aug 2013 | 03:03 pm
É incrível pensar que uma conferencia na sua quarta edição tenha já conseguido alcançar um lugar fundamental na criação de um futuro tecnológico com impacto global – a Dublin Web Summit 2013 não é nos...
unConference Singapore 2009 – startups and platforms 17 May 2009 | 06:41 pm
Yesterday I’ve attended unConference Singapore, one of the biggest events I’ve seen here. It’s all about startups, mostly focused on social component of the web. I’ve attended 2 session and one startu...
Vote for Flat World Knowledge in Huffington Post's 7 Startups that will Change the World 3 Oct 2009 | 09:58 am
Update: You can vote for Flat World Knowledge here. From Spring 2008 through the Winter of 2009, I consulted independently for a budding startup called Flat World Knowledge. FWK is a website/web app...
Pixelpipe wins Web Guild’s Startup Idol 2009 24 Jul 2009 | 07:55 pm
The competition was fierce however I’m pleased to announce that Pixelpipe has come out victorious in Web Guild’s first annual Startup Idol event. While I know our service and demo were good enough for...
Pixelpipe wins Web Guild’s Startup Idol 2009 24 Jul 2009 | 07:55 pm
The competition was fierce however I’m pleased to announce that Pixelpipe has come out victorious in Web Guild’s first annual Startup Idol event. While I know our service and demo were good enough for...
GoAutoDial to Join Web Summit in Dublin 1 Aug 2013 | 02:20 pm
GoAutoDial Inc. has been chosen out of more than 3,000 startup and early stage technology companies around the world to participate as an exhibitor in Europe’s most prestigious tech conference of the ...
Web Summit 2013 – A Great Opportunity To Present Your Startup 23 Jun 2013 | 09:16 pm
Web Summit will take a place at September 30-31 in Dublin, this year. A quick look at the speaker list can pretty much assure it is going to be a great event to attend. There’s still a lot of time to...