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Education Is Broken In U.S. But Testing More Is NOT The Answer 21 Aug 2011 | 05:11 am
Just discovered this blog by Roger Schank - he's a former professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon and a few other schools, now retired. I suggest taking a quick look if you want to get mad fa...
WW: Not happy! 11 Feb 2009 | 09:24 pm
if i iz a puppy i haz a bone to pick wiff mommy. i iz not happy kitty. See: i iz so mad i no can be wordless. she been so busy she no doos mothin for me! she no plays. i no gets to blog. I missed the...
Mad Blog Scientist 18 Apr 2011 | 07:21 pm
I think I want to start a series of articles entitled “I’m Just Sayin'’” I'm pretty sure I could get a lot of miles out of this one. The thought arrived at my blog front door when I heard my Mother-...
SEO Tools to Get Your Site on Top of Search Engine Result Pages 4 Jun 2013 | 05:30 pm
Designs Madness Designs Madness - Blog for Bloggers, Designers and Web Developers When it is the matter of implementing SEO, proper planning is the key. It simply suffices to make an annual plan for ...
Mad Bloggin' Skillz!! 6 Nov 2009 | 04:54 am
I've got 'em! How do you like my new blog layout?!? I made it all by myself using our new My Digital Studio (which you can get for $40 if you host a qualifying workshop before November 30th.) I resist...
Snoods ahoy! 17 Nov 2011 | 04:35 am
I'm so happy it's gone a bit chilly, let's get out the snoods! The blog world seems to have gone mad for them thanks to Karen! Here is one I've just crocheted (using a pattern I blogged last year) wh...
The Fourth Day of Gamesmas: Super Mario 3D Land 18 Dec 2011 | 08:37 am
Excuse me if this blog reads like it was rushed; it is. I need to be at work in about half an hour, so I’m rying to type this out like a mad man who’s eaten too much sugar. That’s what I get for sleep...
Thoughts … 26 Oct 2011 | 01:35 pm
So … howya doin’? Last time we spoke was April, and judging from this blog, you’d think I was so mad over the Shuttle not coming to Dayton that it took me 6 months to get over the pain of NASA’s rejec...
Oh la la! Didn't Your Grandma Warn You About Waist Beads?! 5 Oct 2010 | 06:23 am
Mad love to Gifty Abena Otiwaa Arhin for getting me excited enough about a topic to blog about it. Paa Kwesi, I haven't forgotten about yours but you have to agree that Gifty has burned you small with...
Get in on the Ground Floor on This 31 Jul 2010 | 09:06 am
My good buddy Aaron, along with his friend Jordan, have a pretty kickass blog called Good At Internet. On it, they utilize their mad Photoshop skills and boredom to create little nuggets of genius. N...