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More dump file structures related news:
ORA-31619: invalid dump file for IMPDP 18 Aug 2010 | 11:23 am
We had a EXPDP script to export the application schema on daily basis. We were writing data pump files to WINDOWS files system mounted to LINUX system with CIFS option. We used parallel=2 and generat... 3 Mar 2009 | 01:15 am
Css Plaza is a website I bought and redesign. It’s a quite simple CSS website. I use PHP to simplify the old file structure, CSS and jQuery to give it some style. The website is a niche one, explaini...
Accessing the iPhone file structure 22 May 2011 | 10:14 pm
Finished quite a few exams in the last week and so I'm taking a little break to make this tutorial that i left halfway done a few weeks back. So you want to know how to access the iPhone's file struct...
Show In Navigator – Flex Builder – when your getting lost in the file structure! 4 Dec 2010 | 03:36 am
In the code editor of any file, Right Click and go to Show in Navigator to see the files location relative to the other packages/classes/projects. Very handy when using GoTo Definition (F3) or Crtl+Le...
How to Add Additional Sub Directories to the Default Rails Test:Unit File Structure 19 Jan 2012 | 11:44 am
Importing large SQL files through command line when using PHPMyAdmin/XAMPP 1 Sep 2011 | 04:27 pm
This tutorial is on how to import large SQL files when your sql dump file cannot be handled by PHPMyAdmin due to its large file size. Importing large SQL file sizes in PHPMyAdmin will produce an error...
Building a Site File Structure Template 29 Jun 2010 | 08:08 am
When developing sites or projects, it helps to have an organized folder structure so that you can go back and find files easier, as well as have others easily understand how the website’s code works. ...
Extract single/multiple tables from MySQL dumpfile 3 Dec 2010 | 03:46 am
An year back I posted on how to extract a single table from a MySQL dump file. Today, I decided to write a shell script to automate the whole process. Now it is possible to extract a single table or a...
JOOslideshow module - Code structure 22 Apr 2012 | 07:02 pm
In this post i'll try to show you how will we handle / structured this module. So ... just follow it. Folders / Files structure mod_jooslideshow bases ( this folder used for all of our modules ) i...
Crestaco Labs: Channels 14 May 2010 | 09:15 am
NB: Channels is still an experimental feature. Snapshot format will vary for a few following releases. I'll let you know when a safe file structure versioning framework is established.