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CINEBUM и ИК ЕДНОРОГ ви канят да се потопите в първата им игра “ОРДЕНЪТ НА МРАКА” 29 Jul 2013 | 01:32 am
Филипа Грегъри Една от най-четените авторки в съвременната литература, Филипа Грегъри, стартира нова тийнейджърска поредица, която е на път да влюби световната младеж в себе си. “Орденът на мрака, кн...
"Фаталната жена" - Рецензия 30 Jun 2013 | 08:50 pm
“Нищо не е толкова опасно, колкото жена с тайна” … WTF?? Добре, останах доволен от филма. Даже не очаквах да ми хареса толкова много. Еротичен трилър, направен в стила на филмите на Дейвид Линч (най...
More dvd обложки related news:
DVD обложки на CSS 11 May 2012 | 11:47 pm
Зачем все время через Photoshop рисовать обложки DVD? Когда средствами CSS можно без проблем это сделать и будет намного лучше!
"Любовь и другие катастрофы" / "Love and other disasters" 23 Sep 2012 | 02:05 am
Перво-наперво, не путать с "Любовь и другие лекарства". Вкратце: отличный мило-мелодраматичный, по-английски забавный фильм, который портит только одно — его DVD-обложка ))) Обязательно смотрите вече...
แผ่น DVD9 ต่างจากแผ่น DVD5 อย่างไร? 4 Oct 2011 | 12:28 am
ขออธิบายความแตกต่างของแผ่น DVD9 กับแผ่น DVD5 หน่อยครับ?เนื่องจากตอนนี้ทางเว็บมีสื่อบางรายการที่เป็นแผ่น DVD9 บางท่านอาจจะยังไม่ทราบว่าแตกต่างกันอย่างไร? สำหรับแผ่นที่ทางเว็บระบุประเภทว่าเป็นแผ่น DVD (...
دانلود رایگان کتاب آموزش نرم افزار DVD-LabPro-2.5 18 May 2012 | 02:08 pm
قسمتی از متن کتاب: کتاب آموزش نرم افزار DVD-Lab Pro 2.5 (یکی از بهترین و پیشرفته ترین نرم افزارهای ساخت DVD-Video های حرفه ای) این کتاب شامل ۵۹۵ صفحه از جمله ۱۴ فصل و یک ضمیمه در انتها بوده و سعی ...
Download CD/DVD Linux “Distro Nusantara IGN 2009″ 9 Nov 2009 | 04:42 pm
distro-nusantara Jika Anda suka dengan software Open Source & Legal, ada berita bagus. Hari Sabtu, 7 November 2009, Pusat Penelitian Informatika (P2I), Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) resmi...
How to rip Blu-ray to MKV with H264 video and DTS-HD audio using Staxrip 30 Mar 2011 | 01:34 am
Staxrip is certainly one of the best converting programs I have used, and it is among the tools I recommend to users for ripping a DVD. Of course it can also handle Blu-ray discs and it excels at this...
How to burn a Blu-ray or AVCHD video disc using ImgBurn 16 Mar 2011 | 10:34 pm
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application from the creator of DVD Decrypter. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin t...
How to rip Blu-ray to MP4 with H264 video using Handbrake 2 Mar 2011 | 08:53 am
Handbrake is a pretty popular program as it has been around for quite a few years and as the number of visits to this guide can tell is among the most popular tools for DVD to H.264 conversion. The la...
How to burn a DVD-Video disc using ImgBurn 25 Feb 2011 | 02:16 am
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin to CDs and DVDs but as the years pa...
How to convert Blu-ray to DVD using VSO Blu-ray to DVD 17 Feb 2011 | 05:21 am
If you have already entered the high definition media world and purchased a Blu-ray drive for your PC or laptop, then you have certainly came upon the problem of having a movie you bought on Blu-ray f...