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外国人十个无聊时必上的有趣网站 3 May 2012 | 03:07 pm
互联网发展越来越快,而且商业性质的网站越来越多。不过还有一些不错的娱乐性网站,当你感觉到疲惫、寂寞时,排遣心中倦意、陶冶心情的好去处。 列举了10个外国人排遣时间必上的网站,有些是古老经典的,有些则是新建的网站。这些都是不错的选择。 1.The Onion 一个很古老经典而且很棒的网站。The Onion 现在仍在不断地壮大,非常受大家追捧的网站。它以点评讥讽不合理的热点新闻而闻名,它的目的...
购买老域名?如何查询是否被K? 17 Apr 2012 | 03:40 pm
在我们注册一个新的域名时候,需要观察是否被K过,尤其是是否被google或百度K,因为一个域名被K后,即便改头换面也可能长期得不到搜索引擎有效的收录。 方法如下: 1、通过site:和link:两个搜索指令,查看该域名的收录情况,如果收录为0,但是外部连接很多,则此域名已经被K。 2、直接在搜索引擎输入网站地址查询,如果发现若干条结果中均完整包含这个域名的,而site有没有,则此域名大有可能已经被...
More dynamite channel related news:
Channel NewsAsia SPECIAL Feature: PurpleClick Media on Clickability 16 Nov 2011 | 08:35 pm
PurpleClick (3 years running Top Digital and Search Agency, First and Only appointed by Google, Yahoo and Baidu in SEA) shares on Online Marketing, Internet Advertising, Search Engine Marketing, Searc...
Wc3c chat back online 6 Oct 2011 | 11:58 am
Those of you who have been paying attention already know that we've had chat channels set up on a new server for a while now, but the site's chat...
Nosferatu - Haunting (1996) 31 May 2011 | 06:18 am
Исполнитель: NOSFERATU Год выхода: 1996 Жанр: Gothic Rock Видео: 352 x 240 (22:15) Аудио: 44100 Гц, Dual Channel, 224 Кбит/сек Формат: Mp4 Размер файла: 39 MB Общий тираж их альбомов превышает 100 ...
Bring Our Boys Home say the people of Abertillery 25 Sep 2010 | 07:14 am
{youtube}joqG4KCCauo{/youtube} Watch on Wales BNP Youtube Channel The following article has been copied over from The Gwent Patriot. I must confess to knowing the speaker in the above video for man...
"Stars Extra" on SF1 19 Jan 2011 | 12:33 pm
Stéphane will be the guest of the "Stars Extra" show on the Swiss German channel SF1. As always true to himself, sincere and natural, Stéphane appears full of emotions with or without cameras. The int...
Documentary about Stéphane 12 May 2010 | 09:43 am
We’d like to remind you that on Thursday, 13 May, there will be a documentary about Stéphane on the Swiss channel TSR1. The program is called “Préliminaires” and starts at 22.45 local time. Enjoy!
The Twilight Singers – “Dynamite Steps” 28 Jan 2011 | 06:11 am
The Twilight Singers – Dynamite Steps Out 2/15 on Sub Pop The Twilight Singers – “On The Corner” MP3: The Twilight Singers – “Blackbird and the Fox”
How to remove index files from URL on Nginx 30 Apr 2012 | 01:15 pm
So yesterday while i was idling on Freenode i saw someone asking in Nginx channel that he basically wants to remove the index.php file from the url or in other words he wants to redirect
TUNE IN!!! This Sunday @Noon on ABC Channel 7! 30 Oct 2011 | 12:43 pm
We’re on the tee veeeee, workin’ together with Eye On LA!!! :D Click here to view the embedded video.
About SageRock Digital Marketing Agency 6 Nov 2008 | 05:09 am
The Digital Marketing Agency, SageRock Inc., was founded in 1999 to help clients engage customers across an ever expanding interactive marketplace. We do this through multiple channels such as search,...