Most dyndns windows client related news are at:

Плагин для WordPress + ClassiPress: ClassiPress Ajax Load Posts. 12 Dec 2012 | 05:34 pm
Плагин работает только с ClassiPress или с дочерней темой. Заменяет стандартную постраничную навигацию на главной странице, а также на страницах рубрик и тегов. Вместо переключателя страниц, выводится...
Плагин для WordPress: Q2W3 Fixed (Sticky) Widget. Фикисируем виджеты при вертикальной прокрутке. 12 Dec 2012 | 04:45 pm
Пример использования прямо на этом сайте: рекламный блок Яндекса в правой колонке. Страница плагина: Скачать последнюю версию: http://downloads.wo...
More dyndns windows client related news:
AppleDouble und andere Mac spezifischen Dateien auf einer Samba Freigabe ausblenden 5 Mar 2011 | 10:58 am
Mein kleines Heimnetzwerk besteht hauptsächlich aus Windows Clients, meinem MacBook und einem FreeBSD Server. Serverseitig gebe ich meine Daten via Netatalk (Mac) und Samba (Windows) frei. Nun hat Mac...
Upcoming client release 21 May 2012 | 11:34 pm
We are currently working on a new client version, which will be released soon. Please note that the new 32bit windows client will require CPUs with SSE support. If you are running the boinc client on ...
在VPS上搭建VPN 5 Aug 2011 | 02:00 pm
参考自 1, VPS(server) 上操作如下 2, Windows(client) 上操作如下
Backslash mit Teamviewer für Mac bei der Anmeldung am Windows-Client geht nicht? 29 Mar 2012 | 07:19 pm
Kleiner Tip für Teamviewer-Nutzer, die vom Mac aus auf Windows-PC agieren. Mit den aktuellen Versionen 6 und 7 (Stand 3/2012) funktioniert leider die altbekannte Tastenkombination Strg-Alt-7 für den B...
BitDefender 2010 Build Full Version + Patch 30 Oct 2010 | 05:02 pm
The latest iterations of the BitDefender lineup of security products, designed to play nice with the most recent version of the Windows client, are now available for download as trial versions and for...
Due Today v1.6.8.86 apk app 10 Jun 2012 | 12:21 pm
Due Today v1.6.8.86 Requirements: Android OS 1.5 and up Overview: Get organized like never before. Capture your tasks and projects wherever you go ** Be sure to check out our news Windows client **...
Follow-up to TechEd session WCL326: Five infrastructure changes that will boost performance for the Windows Client 27 Jun 2012 | 09:29 pm
So to summarize the key areas which you can look into when optimizing performance from an infrastructure point of view here is a summary of the key takeaways from TechEd session WCL326: Five infrastru...
Microsoft Live Meeting on a Mac 27 Jul 2012 | 06:21 am
Microsoft Live Meeting Windows Client (Not available for Mac or Linux) I struggled for over a week trying to get my MacBook Pro to connect with the Live Meetings that were happening at work. I’ve bee...
Windows Blue is Microsoft’s future low-cost OS with yearly updates 13 Dec 2012 | 08:05 pm
Microsoft is busy preparing its next-generation Windows client, shortly after shipping Windows 8 in October. Microsoft is planning to standardize on an approach, codenamed Blue, across Windows and W...
SSE2 Requirement for Windows Clients 21 Dec 2012 | 03:14 pm
Since our recent release last week, POEM++ requires a SSE2 capable PC. Sorry for not mentioning that before.