Most e71 related news are at:

LG представила смартфон Optimus L9 II 27 Aug 2013 | 02:26 am
В Нидерландах компания LG анонсировала новый смартфон LG Optimus L9 II. Информация о новинке пока неполная, очевидно более подробно о L9 II мы узнаем на днях.
Стив Баллмер уходит с поста CEO Microsoft 23 Aug 2013 | 11:12 pm
Компания Microsoft сообщает о том, что Стив Баллмер в течение последующих 12 месяцев покинет пост генерального исполнительного директора. Обратившись к сотрудникам, Баллмер заявил, что уйдет как тольк...
More e71 related news:
New software update for Nokia E71 – 500.21.009 6 Jul 2010 | 09:46 am
Today finally my E71 using SW version 410.21.010 has discovered new firmware update available. Newest version is described as 500.21.009. Number suggests bigger changes than last time. I have read som...
Another software update for E71 – 410.21.010 20 Apr 2010 | 02:02 am
Last week Nokia has released one more official software update for our beloved E71. New firmware – 410.21.010 should be available via Nokia Software Updater, or Nokia Ovi Suite 2 for most of devices. ...
Ovi Maps with Free Navigation for Nokia E71! 7 Apr 2010 | 03:15 am
Nokia has announced today that Ovi Maps application offering free voice-guided car and pedestrian navigation is available for Nokia E71 and E66 devices! New Ovi Maps come with a lot of new core featur...
New firmware 400.21.013 available! 28 Nov 2009 | 02:47 am
As I have promised I will let you know if new official software for E71 will be available. Today I was texted by My Nokia service that new software is there. Nokia Software Updater tells the same. Ple...
Nokia E71 Blog: Maintenance Mode 26 Oct 2009 | 01:12 am
Dear Readers, For more than year writing this blog for you and reading your feedback were great pleasure for me. Unfortunately I need to switch the blog into a “maintenance mode”. What does it mean? ...
Silvio Berlusconi, You(?) and Me and… E71 22 Jul 2009 | 08:42 am
This is not a political blog, and the described fact is no news at all as it happened in April this year, but as it is summer season I have let myself to write a lighter post. Have you heard that Ital...
New Nokia E71 v300.21.012 firmware available! 3 Jul 2009 | 07:50 am
Today new software update for E71 has been officially released! New software marked as v300.21.012 is available vie Nokia Software Updater application. Check details here. Soon I will post some comme...
[Updated] Nokia PC Suite released! (& changed for 19 Jun 2009 | 08:42 am
All Nokia phones users, including E71 owners, can update Nokia PC Suite client to the newest available version described as Updated version’s release notes contain information about stabilit...
Free QuickOffice 6 software update for E71 users! 17 Jun 2009 | 09:09 am
Have you checked QuickOffice application installed on E71 lately, or maybe you read AAS regularly? I do both The good news for all E71 users is that you can update default QuickOffice ( in my ...
Tema Nokia: Escorpión 14 Apr 2011 | 11:11 am
Brillante tema en azules para tu terminal Nokia S60 3 edición. E50, E51, E62, E65, E66, E71, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N79, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N85, N86 8MP, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB, N96, 532...