Most earl grey drinking habits related news are at:

A's post of Philadelphia 12 Apr 2013 | 01:14 am
Today Miss"A" is writing instead of my mother. Fyi, I will call my mother Mama and my father Papa. I am writing about our trip to Philadelphia last summer. After visiting Hershey's Chocolate Park, ...
Old City, Chocolatier,Mt.Royal of Montreal, Canada 13 Mar 2013 | 12:05 am
Guess what? I found more pictures of our trip to Montreal. The first picture is the photo of Old City or well known as Old Montreal and it is also a church called Notre-Dame Basilica. Old Montreal or...
More earl grey drinking habits related news:
Margo Jepsen Ryken posted an update in the group Coffee: Okay, so this is about 'tea' but I wasn't sure where else […] 6 Jul 2013 | 09:03 pm
Okay, so this is about 'tea' but I wasn't sure where else to share this!! (maybe generally speaking?) I've always loved the tea drink at Cafe Brule called Foggy London. It's Earl Grey tea steeped in m...
Hot Drinks Now Available at Moonleaf Tea Shop! 15 Aug 2013 | 09:09 am
Good news to all tea aficionados out there! Moonleaf Tea Shop has recently launched its Hot Drinks line, which includes the following: Black Tea, Jasmine Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Earl Grey Tea. There...
Re: British Tea. 11 Aug 2012 | 02:50 pm
Earl Bloody Grey.....I'd rather drink my own...... I mainly drink PG Tips but another great brew is Yorkshire Gold http://www.thenorth...