Most earth axis shift 2011 related news are at:

Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour 17 Jul 2013 | 08:43 am
This week’s photo challenge is The Golden Hour, which Cheri Lucas Rowlands explains as follows: “In photography, the “golden hour” is the first and last hour of sunlight of the day. Photographers vent...
In the footsteps of the Incas - part 1 30 May 2013 | 11:40 am
Reblogged from justcallmegertie: There is one word that is universally understood and that expresses the same intensity of feeling in all languages. Wow! What started out as a tick on my bucket list, ...
More earth axis shift 2011 related news:
Google buys Motorola. It's all about the patents 17 Aug 2011 | 04:59 am
Google just announced its purchase of Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion on Monday. This was big news, as in massively earth shattering. The entire technology world probably just had its axis shifted...
Axis Shift? What's Next? 13 Mar 2011 | 07:25 pm
Rather than post a comment in response to a comment on a previous Comet Elenin post, I thought I would just address it here. The comment was "How do you feel now that the earths axis has indeed shifte...
Without Eyes in the Cave 6 Feb 2012 | 07:40 am
In the past two years, natural disasters have rocked various nations around the world, from a Japanese earthquake that was so powerful it shifted the earth on it's axis, to overwhelming floods filling...