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simplecommerce :: zertifizierte Ebay Schnittstelle 23 May 2010 | 01:03 am
Mit dem neusten Update ist die Ebay API Schnittstelle nun für alle simplecommerce Shopbetreiber uneingeschränkt verfügbar. Nach einer simplen Freischaltung der Schnittstelle durch den Betreiber könne...
eBay Changes API Limit Policy 31 Jan 2011 | 05:44 am
The eBay API call limit policy for developers will be changing on March 1st, 2011. Historically, eBay has limited the number of calls from software applications to retrieve product information by IP ...
Google Uygulamaları ve Kaynakları Periodik Tablosu! 20 Dec 2011 | 09:58 am
Google APIs & Developer Products Tüm Google Uygulamaları ve Kaynaklarını Periodik Tablo formatında bulabileceğiniz güzel bir derleme.
Using Node.js to connect with the eBay APIs on 23 May 2012 | 02:58 pm
We recently rolled out a new space on Antiques Near Me called ANM Picks, which uses eBay's APIs to programmatically find high-quality antique auctions using the same metrics that Sean (my antique-deal...
Notes on developing generic product domain name eBay API affiliate sites 18 Jun 2010 | 09:09 am
When I first started researching this avenue of development, it came as a bit of a surprise that I couldn’t find anyone else developing domain names into SEO’d eBay affiliate stores. I figured that wi...
ImageLnk - Get image URLs from image page HTML 31 May 2011 | 03:43 am
table of contents About ImageLnk What's ImageLnk ImageLnk API Development Repository About ImageLnk What's ImageLnk ImageLnk is a web service getting image URLs from image page HTML. Enter th...
Google Releases API for Its URL Shortener 13 Jan 2011 | 07:15 pm
Google announced availability of their URL shortening service on their blog. With this API, developers are able to programmatically access all of the fast, sleek goodness that Google cu...
Native-like applications for smartphones, tablets and desktops 1 Sep 2011 | 07:31 am
Unify is a software, powered by Deutsche Telekom, which provides a common API developing cross-platform applications that will look and feel like native ones. It makes use of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript a...
Live Angry Birds at SXSW 11 Mar 2011 | 11:05 am
This year’s Alcatel-Lucent ElevenAPI Lounge at SXSW is going to be enormous fun and a great place for developers to connect with some of the best API development programs around – please stop by if yo...
Reviewing Facebook Graph API Development with Flash 19 Jan 2011 | 08:52 am
I’ve just finished my presentation for gotoAndSki(); already got a new task waiting for me, as soon I come back from gotoAndSki(); I’m going to start reading this book, Facebook Graph API Development...