Most ebay old whiskey bottles related news are at:
– Antique Bottle Auctions - All bottle auctions, reviews, commentary bottle values and much more
Ebay: Smash your bottle?! 1 Jun 2012 | 06:19 am
Recently, an ebay transaction of a violin, which sold for about $2500, ended with PayPal ordering the buyer to destroy the violin. PayPal refunded the purchase price to the buyer. Could this happen w...
Instant Cathedral Pickle Collection 10 May 2012 | 10:23 am
I still had not gotten over the breathtaking BLUE pickle bottle that turned up on ebay recently (item #230778721478) and I thought that could not be topped. But wait! Someone in Florida lists their m...
More ebay old whiskey bottles related news:
The Mania in the Mirror 18 Mar 2013 | 06:53 pm
Pro-tip: Save time on your morning routine by using combination hair and body shower gel. That way you can fill your old shampoo bottle with cheap whiskey for when the Sad Times happen! Speaking of w...