Most ebook layout related news are at:

BarCampNola Logo Presentation 26 Jun 2013 | 09:43 am
People often ask us about our design process. What do we do? How does it work? Well, John recently presented at MiniBar about his logo design and the story behind creating the logo and branding for t...
Bar Camp Committe 2013 13 Jun 2013 | 07:50 pm
HOP & JAUNT had the great pleasure of working with the awesome BarCampNOLA team this year to help develop the branding and mascot for BarCamp6 / BearCamp1. John did this illustration of this year’...
More ebook layout related news:
Erfolgreich aus Gewohnheit 25 Feb 2010 | 11:10 pm
Kostenloses eBook über Erfolg mit den richtigen Gewohnheiten Diesmal geht es um Gewohnheiten und ein kostenloses eBook über dieses Thema. Unser Leben wird von Gewohnheiten geprägt. Was wir wahrnehmen...
Facebook Ads Guide Scam. Is Jonathan Volk’s Ebook Legit? 17 May 2012 | 07:52 am
Facebook Ads Guide Scam. Is Jonathan Volk’s Ebook Legit? Facebook advertising can be a very powerful. Some consider it better than Google Adwords because you do not have to worry about finding profita...
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website With Facebook 16 May 2012 | 05:00 pm
Facebook eBook – How to Increase Traffic to Your Website With Facebook It’s really challenging to obtain some coverage to your business whether it is in the real world or on the internet. You also wan...
Free eBook: The Complete Windows 7 Shortcuts list 1 Feb 2010 | 08:35 pm
The Windows Club has just released a free eBook titled, “The Complete Windows 7 Shortcuts”. Apart from an exhaustive list of more than 200 common and new keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7, this eBook ...
Free eBook on best performing Ad placements for Chitika and AdSense untis 29 Jan 2010 | 06:04 pm
Chitika, the search targeted advertisement network is offering a free guide (eBook) for making the most out of Chitika Premium and AdSense. The book analyzes various medium to large websites and prov...
Simple Business – Corporate WordPress Template 24 Aug 2010 | 04:00 pm
Simple Business is a beautiful corporate/business template packed to the rim with features. It comes in 40 skins, has a special iPhone version, 5 home page layouts, 6 post styles, 8 jQuery sliders, 12...
Go Faster Stripes For Websites 22 Oct 2011 | 02:58 am
Over the past 4 months, I’ve been tinkering aroundwith my websites in an attempt to improve performance, reduce load times & bandwidth, without impacting the layout. During the course, I’ve stumbled a...
Ebook Creation – New Online Business Launched! 29 Apr 2010 | 10:58 pm
Hi Guys, Well as usual, I have been just too busy!!!! One thing I love doing is starting and creating new businesses and ventures and being an online marketer, I could start a new one every single d...
How To Sell Your eBooks, Files, Downloads with Paypal using 11 Apr 2010 | 03:59 am is my latest venture. Coming from me, I am biased. But I want to say it anyway. makes selling ebooks, files, downloads or any other digital prod...
Loving Cuddles Plurk Layout 2 Apr 2011 | 10:13 pm
Loving Cuddles Plurk Layout featuring a stunning photograph of Rosanna Bell and a beautiful dog by Sasha Bell Photography. We’ve had a lot of requests for some photography Plurk Layouts, so here is o...