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Shortcuts in Eclipse 12 Jan 2012 | 08:27 pm
Dank SHORTCUTS werden bestimmte Funktionen bzw. Dienste schnell und mit wenig Aufwand aufgerufen. Außer den weitverbreiteten Abkürzungen wie. z.B. Strg + C/Strg + V, gibt es eine große Vielzahl von Sh...
Eclipse PDT shortcuts 1 Oct 2012 | 10:44 am
First of all Shift + Ctrl + L will show all commands. These are my favorites except for the obvious ones I don’t have to mention like Ctrl+Shift+Right/Left to select whole word and stuff like...
Google Search Important Shortcuts 3 Jan 2013 | 10:05 pm
Below are Google Search Shortcuts which help you to use Google Search Engine in a smart way : - Google Search Shortcuts nokia phone the words nokia and phone sailing OR boating either the word sai...
Google Search Important Shortcuts 3 Jan 2013 | 10:05 pm
Below are Google Search Shortcuts which help you to use Google Search Engine in a smart way : - Google Search Shortcuts nokia phone the words nokia and phone sailing OR boating either the word sai... Important Shortcuts For Linux Beginners 26 Aug 2013 | 09:47 am
Learning these shortcuts can make it very easy for beginners to learn Linux further. Ctrl + Alt + F1 You would already know that Linux can support various terminals. This command helps you move to t... Important Shortcuts For Linux Beginners 26 Aug 2013 | 09:47 am
Learning these shortcuts can make it very easy for beginners to learn Linux further. Ctrl + Alt + F1 You would already know that Linux can support various terminals. This command helps you move to t...
Android Programlama Ders 15:RssReader Uygulamamızı Tamamlıyoruz 31 Dec 2011 | 12:23 pm
Bu dersimizde 13. ve 14. derslerde devam ettirdiğimiz RssReader uygulamasını tamamlıyoruz.Aşağıdaki indir bağlantısı ile projenin tamamını indirip Eclipse’de File > Import ‘u seçtikten sonra General a...
Shortcuts for Facebook Users 8 Mar 2012 | 10:56 pm
Hello ! Today i am going to tell about facebook shortcuts for google chorme and Mozilla and also IE. i think it is important for those people who always want to use keyboard shortcuts .These shortc...
How to: Import non-Eclipse Github project into Eclipse 13 Nov 2011 | 01:55 pm
This howto article will instruct how import a Github repository into your Eclipse workspace, even if it's not an eclipse project. You can skip step 3 if you just want to inspect the code without makin...
Get to Know the New Shortcut Keys in Windows 8 2 Mar 2012 | 05:38 pm
You’ve probably already been using hotkeys in Windows 7 and previous versions, so now that Windows 8 is out, all you need to learn are the new shortcut keys. Here are the important new keys in a short...