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More eco friendly straw bale home related news:
Kent cottages built with eco-friendly straw 24 Apr 2012 | 08:15 pm
Three terraced homes near Canterbury are to be constructed using straw, an eco-friendly building material. Harriet and Andrew Wishart will be the first to use straw in the construction of terraced cot...
Straw-Bale Construction Basics 17 Oct 2005 | 10:25 am
Straw-bale construction produces an exceptionally unique home unmatched by other building methods. Strawbale homes are safe, warm, quiet, and environmentally friendly. One of the primary benefits of b...
Straw Bale SIP Walls by NatureBuilt 8 Apr 2013 | 10:54 pm
In green building circles it is generally acknowledged that prefab or modular homes are more environmentally friendly than traditional stick built on site homes. Walls are constructed inside a warehou...