Most eddie vedder solo album related news are at:

Pet Arts der Petards erstmals als CD und Download erhältlich 1 May 2013 | 10:33 pm
Update (19.05.2013) zu diesem Blog Eintrag: Nach unserer Recherche ist die CD, wie auch die Digitalveröffentlichung des Albums “Pet Arts” illegal. Die Rechte der Petards Songs liegen nach wie vor bei ...
Die neue deutsche Fußballhymne kommt von Herr Horcht 23 Jan 2013 | 11:50 pm
Ausgiebig vorgestellt haben wir den Musiker Herr Norcht stammend aus Schrecksbach, nun in Köln zu Hause, bereits im Blog Artikel vom März 2011 Sein Album Ich-AG Blues ist ja schon einige Monde her, nu...
More eddie vedder solo album related news:
Lenten Listen #40: Eddie Vedder – Into the Wild 3 Apr 2012 | 02:31 am
I’ve continued my Lenten discipline of listening to at least one full album per day for the past 12 days, even though I’ve gotten a little lazy when it comes to recording them on the blog. Oh well. Si...
New Music Coming Soon 17 Jan 2011 | 10:10 pm
West Water is currently working on putting together 2 new mixtapes. Dex is working on his new solo album, and Erik D. aka Eddie Daw$on plans to release a few mixtapes under his GBM Inc. label. No re...
Pearl Jam soltam frustração em vídeo 26 Aug 2013 | 08:10 pm
Os Pearl Jam preparam-se para lançar Lightning Bolt. O décimo álbum da banda de Eddie Vedder parece voltar em pujança, a ver pelo novo single e vídeo “Mind Your Manners”. Longe vão as baladas emotivas...
22 Years Ago: Pearl Jam's 'Ten' Album Released 27 Aug 2013 | 10:12 pm
Eddie Vedder may have the most distinctive -- and most imitated -- voice of the alt-rock '90s, and it was on this day 22 years ago the world first heard that signature howl. Continue reading…
I Pearl Jam presentano Mind your manners 23 Aug 2013 | 09:09 pm
Novità in casa Pearl Jam! La band di Seattle capitanata da Eddie Vedder presenta il video ufficiale di Mind your manners. Il brano anticipa l’album Lightning Bolt, distribuito dalla Universal Music, ...
The Avalanches, Eddie Vedder & Neil Fin, Cloud Control contribute to Hunters & Collectors Tribute Album 8 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
Whether you’ve worshipped at their altar in the past or were too young to have witnessed them live, Crucible – The Songs of Hunters & Collectors is a revelation and a proud tribute to this great and i...
100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos of All-Time 20 Aug 2009 | 09:41 am
1.Free Bird Guitarist: Collins/Rossington Band: Lynyrd Skynyrd 51. 2.Stairway To Heaven Guitarist: Jimmy Page Band: Led Zeppelin Album: Led Zeppelin 4 52. 3.Eruption Guitarist: Eddie Van Halen Ban...
Lick of the week no. 30 - On the Beach 1 Jul 2013 | 01:04 pm
Here we have a free lick taken from the On the Beach solo study, based around the hard-rock style. This style gained popularity from the late 1970’s with Eddie Van Halen’s groundbreaking debut album V...