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Slickr Flickr 1.30 Has Enhanced Galleria Support 20 Jul 2011 | 01:55 am
Version 1.30 of Slickr Flickr, released 18th July, has a few new features in both the standard and Pro editions plus a few bug fixes. In the standard edition the work was focussed on supporting the ne...
Prochaine publication de poèmes chez géhess éditions. Plus d'information pour réserver l'ouvrage sur le site de géhess éditions link. Un grand merci à Emmanuel Rastouil pour m'avoir incitée à publier ...
windows tiny tux g3 2009 fr 24 Apr 2012 | 03:15 pm
Super windows tiny tux g3 évolution Fr edition Plus beau que le Tux G1… Plus fort que le Tux G2… Plus grand le tiny ux G3 Evolution…. Mieux monté et adorable… Base : Windows XP Pro corp boiter...
About Avast Home Edition for Linux -Antivirus for Linux Operating System...... 10 Feb 2012 | 11:58 pm
avast! Home Edition for linux provide an antivirus solution for the highly deployed Linux OS. This antivirus purely developed for home base users it is not commercial software.Avast is light weight an...
Professional Video Editing in Linux with Kdenlive 22 Jul 2009 | 06:21 am
It’s easy to learn the basics of video editing, especially in Linux! This software is based on the FFMPEG and MLT frameworks so it can handle almost any video file format you throw at it. This quick t...
Free video editing software linux 18 Nov 2010 | 05:40 am
The Open movie editor is a Free video editing software Linux application for movie editing that is open source. It is surprising how well this application works. It is relatively easy to use and quite...
Slickr Flickr 1.30 Has Enhanced Galleria Support 19 Jul 2011 | 09:55 pm
Version 1.30 of Slickr Flickr, released 18th July, has a few new features in both the standard and Pro editions plus a few bug fixes. In the standard edition the work was focussed on supporting the ne...
Professional Video Editing in Linux with Kdenlive 22 Jul 2009 | 02:21 am
It’s easy to learn the basics of video editing, especially in Linux! This software is based on the FFMPEG and MLT frameworks so it can handle almost any video file format you throw at it. This quick t...
Concours de nouvelles érotiques Edilivre 16 Jan 2013 | 01:12 am
Edilivre, maison d’édition qui a pour objectif de rendre l’édition plus accessible, organise du 15 janvier au 31 mars un Concours de nouvelles Erotiques. Ce concours est ouvert à tous, quel que... [...
Meilleurs voeux Action Web et Direct Editions plus une belle surprise… 18 Jan 2013 | 09:25 pm
{lang: 'fr'}Dans cette courte vidéo je vous transmets de la part des équipes d’Action Web et Direct Editions nos meilleurs voeux et vous dévoile nos projets pour VOUS en cette belle année qui commence...