Most educational flash animations electricity related news are at:
– EducaPoles - International Polar Foundation's educational site
Inuit students visit the International Polar Foundation 8 May 2013 | 01:10 pm
On 6 May, the International Polar Foundation and a group of Belgian youth had the opportunity to share a day with thirty Inuit students who were visiting Brussels thorough their college program called...
Cool science for kids at UK Class Zero Emission workshop 23 Apr 2013 | 12:48 pm
Students as young as 3 years old have been learning about the Polar Regions and climate change at the mobile Class Zero Emission workshop, which has been touring the UK since January. The workshop has...
More educational flash animations electricity related news:
Tokyoplastic 6 Jan 2011 | 01:13 am
If you are looking for some truly impressive flash animation Tokyoplastic would be a good place to start. From the early days of Drum Machine to there full animated short The Electric Koi.