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More educational virtual worlds related news:
Virtual Tweens raised 1M$ 24 Sep 2009 | 05:17 pm
Virtual Tweens has raised 1M$, led by Gemini partners and private investors. Virtal Tweens runs an educational virtual world for kids, called Ekoloko. Via TheMarker (Hebrew)
Q&A: James Bower on Good Game Design and Learning 9 Jul 2013 | 05:25 pm
Jim Bower is CEO and chairman of the board of Numedeon, Inc., the creator of the educational virtual world, Whyville. He is also a neuroscientist. By Heather Chaplin Jim Bower is CEO and chairman of...
Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight 17 May 2011 | 06:40 am
My husband loves video games. He used to manage an arcade, in fact, so beeps and bangs are music to his ears and some virtual worlds are as interesting as the real one. So when he said, “Hey, Babe! ...
Facebook Following Users Even When Currently Surfing on Other Sites 5 Oct 2011 | 12:50 pm
Technologies expert from Australia, Nik Cubrilovic, shattering the virtual world after issuing a statement that Facebook continues to stalk the user even though they’ve logged off from their accounts....
Virtual worlds suffer the same fate as the real one. 20 Feb 2009 | 10:12 pm
Virtual extortion, forgery, murder, robbery are all rampant in online games. So what's next ?
Money laundering with Farmville and WoW 2 Apr 2011 | 01:07 pm
In Australia, virtual worlds like World of Warcraft and Farmville are apparently being used for money laundering. The police in the Australian New South Wales have observed a new trend; money and othe...
Do You Want to Play a Game? 24 Jan 2011 | 10:46 pm
What will gaming on-the-go look like in the coming years? Will our daily routines be made into games, will the places we visit become virtual worlds we can play in, will we each have our own personal ...
Facebook Following Users Even When Currently Surfing on Other Sites 5 Oct 2011 | 02:08 pm
Technologies expert from Australia, Nik Cubrilovic, shattering the virtual world after issuing a statement that Facebook continues to stalk the user even though they’ve logged off from their accounts....
Facebook Following Users Even When Currently Surfing on Other Sites 4 Oct 2011 | 01:36 pm
Technologies expert from Australia, Nik Cubrilovic, shattering the virtual world after issuing a statement that Facebook continues to stalk the user even though they’ve logged off from their accounts....
SEO and Online Business 4 Jan 2011 | 05:51 pm
The virtual world has opened up new business opportunities and companies are now looking for new avenues of selling and promoting their products and services. However, in order to make the online busi...